SC24 論文採択情報
SC24 論文採択情報
Englishスーパーコンピューティングの国際会議「SC24」(The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis)が、2024年11月17日から22日までアメリカジョージア州アトランタで開催されます。 この度、以下の論文がSC Paper Programに採択されました。詳細は以下をご覧ください。
運用技術部門(ユニットリーダー:山本 啓二、部門長:庄司 文由)
高性能ビッグデータ研究チーム (チームリーダー:佐藤 賢斗)
- Title of the paper:
- "Operational Experience with Incentive-Based Power Efficiency Mechanisms on the Fugaku Supercomputer" ~Best Student Paper Award Nomination~
- Authors (affiliated with RIKEN) :
- -Kento Sato
-Keiji Yamamoto
-Fumiyoshi Shoji
-Ana Luisa Veroneze Solorzano (Student Intern in 2024)
- Citation:
- Ana Luisa Veroneze Solorzano, Kento Sato, Devesh Tiwari, Keiji Yamamoto, Jim Brandt, Benjamin Schwaller, Sara Petra Walton, Jennifer Green, Fumiyoshi Shoji, “Operational Experience with Incentive-Based Power Efficiency Mechanisms on the Fugaku Supercomputer”, SC ’24: Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Atlanta, GA, USA
※6月26日 追記
高性能ビッグデータ研究チーム (チームリーダー:佐藤 賢斗)
- Title of the paper:
- "AutoCheck: Automatically Identifying Variables for Checkpointing by Data Dependency Analysis"
- Authors (affiliated with RIKEN) :
- -Kento Sato
-Weiping Zhang (Student trainee)
-Xin Huang (Student trainee)
-Wubiao Xu (Student trainee)
-Shiman Meng (Student trainee)
- Citation:
- Xiang Fu, Weiping Zhang, Xin Huang, Wubiao Xu, Shiman Meng, Luanzheng Guo, Kento Sato, “AutoCheck: Automatically Identifying Variables for Checkpointing by Data Dependency Analysis”, SC ’24: Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Atlanta, GA, USA
運用技術部門 先端運用技術ユニット(ユニットリーダー:山本 啓二)
- Title of the paper:
- "MCBound: an Online Framework to Characterize and Classify Memory/Compute-bound HPC Jobs"
- Authors (affiliated with RIKEN) :
- -Yuetsu Kodama
- Citation:
- Francesco Antici, Andrea Bartolini, Zeynep Kizitan, Ozalp Babaoglu, Yuetsu Kodama, "MCBound: an Online Framework to Characterize and Classify Memory/Compute-bound HPC Jobs", SC'24: Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Atlanta, GA, USA
※6月26日 追記
高性能人工知能システム研究チーム( チームリーダー: モハマド ワヒブ)
- Title of the paper:
- "Adaptive Patching for High-resolution Image Segmentation with Transformers"
- Authors (affiliated with RIKEN) :
- -Mohamed Wahib
-Jun Igarashi
-Enzhi Zhang (Part-timer student)
- Citation:
- Enzhi Zhang, Isaac Lyngaas, Peng Chen, Xiao Wang, Jun Igarashi, Yuankai Huo, Masaharu Munetomo, Mohamed Wahib, “Adaptive Patching for High-resolution Image Segmentation with Transformers”, SC’24: Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Atlanta, GA, USA
- Title of the paper:
- "autoGEMM: Pushing the Limits of Irregular Matrix Multiplication on Arm Architectures"
- Authors (affiliated with RIKEN) :
- Mohamed Wahib, Du Wu (RIKEN JRA)
- Citation:
- Du Wu, Jintao Meng, Peng Chen, Mohamed Wahib, Xiao Wang, Minwen Deng, Wenxi Zhu, Luo Tao, Yanjie Wei", “autoGEMM: Pushing the Limits of Irregular Matrix Multiplication on Arm Architectures”, SC’24: Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Atlanta, GA, USA
プログラミング環境研究チーム(チームリーダー: 佐藤 三久)*2010~2024
- Title of the paper:
- "Doubling Graph Traversal Efficiency to 198 TeraTEPS on the Supercomputer Fugaku''
- Authors (affiliated with RIKEN) :
- -Masahiro Nakao
-Mitsuhisa Sato
※6月26日 追記