トップページ    イベント・広報    学生・若手研究者向けイベント    日欧米加豪共同の International HPC Summer School 2023 参加者募集(2023年7月9日~14日・米国、アトランタ)

計算科学研究センターでは今年も、欧州、米国、カナダ及びオーストラリアと共同でサマースクールを開催するにあたり、参加者を募集します。日本からは、博士研究員、民間企業の技術者・研究者などの若手研究者を概ね10名派遣予定です。ご希望の方は、下記詳細をご確認いただき、International HPC Summer School(IHPCSS) のウェブサイト新しいタブで開きます経由で参加申込みを行ってください。

動画「2023年1月12日に開催したオンライン説明会」クリックすると別タブでYouTubeが開きます(YouTube: 計算科学eラーニングアーカイブチャンネル(約35分53秒))
※ご質問、個別面談のご希望は renkei_hrd[at]ml.riken.jp まで([at]を@に変更)

開催日 2023年7月9日(日) - 14日(金)
開催都市 米国、アトランタ
  • 米国 Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE)
  • 欧州 Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE)
  • 理化学研究所 計算科学研究センター(R-CCS)
  • 加国 SciNet HPC Consortium (SciNet)
  • 豪州 Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre (Pawsey)


  • 日本からは概ね10名を派遣予定
  • 所属(機関)長または委任を受けた者の公式な依頼状等が得られる国内の大学等の学生または博士研究者などの若手研究員であること(旅費・滞在費等は弊所負担)



International HPC Summer School 2023新しいタブで開きます

登録締切 2023年1月31日(火)
R-CCSでは、「理化学研究所個人情報保護規程」(PDF 2MB)新しいタブでPDFが開きますに則り厳重に管理し、正当な理由なく第三者への開示、譲渡及び貸与することは一切ありません。





  • 主要な科学分野のハイパフォーマンスとビッグデータチャレンジ
  • 共有メモリプログラミング
  • 分散メモリプログラミング
  • GPUプログラミング
  • 最新CPUとGPUにおける性能解析と最適化
  • ソフトウェア工学
  • 数値計算ライブラリ
  • ビッグデータ解析
  • ディープラーニング
  • 科学的可視化
  • 日欧米加豪のハイパフォーマンスコンピューティングインフラストラクチャー




Research Abstract

Our research topic is radiation protection using Martian magnetic anomalies. To validate the concept of the radiation protection, we have conducted particle simulation to measure how the magnetic anomalies affect the impact rate on the Martian surface. We simulated numerous particle trajectories in the magnetic anomaly using relativistic Buneman-Boris method. The particle simulation handle trajectories of about 1 billion protons. To calculate numerous particles, we constructed simulation program using massive parallelism by MPI and have performed the simulation on the KDK computer system.

Scientific and technological reasons for participating

We have conducted particle simulation parallelized by MPI. However, I studied the parallelism by reading articles on the website mainly and was not taught by professionals of the massive parallelism. Therefore, I would like to study accurate high performance computing skills including the massive parallelism in the summer school. Moreover, these skills are useful for me as a Ph.D. candidate. Then, our research topic will be plasma particle simulation of magnetic nozzle thrusters in space. The particle simulation of magnetic nozzle thrusters has been rarely done so far, because the calculation cost would be huge. To overcome the calculational issues of magnetic nozzle thrusters, I would like to study basic and advanced skills about high performance computing.

Describe your use of HPC, including familiarity with MPI, OpenMP, multicore, accelerators and

coprocessors, and how you participate in software development.in this summer school.
I conducted particle simulation of electrospray thrusters from Month. Year to Month. Year and particle simulation of radiation protection using Martian magnetic anomalies from Month. Year to today. The particle simulation included MPI parallelization and was performed on the JAXA Supercomputer System generation 2 (JSS2) and the KDK computer system. I will conduct particle simulation of magnetic nozzle thrusters using HPC and MPI from Month. Year.

List any awards, scholarships, patents, relevant publications, etc.

-Award for Outstanding Academic Performance, 〇〇 University, Month. Year.
-○○-award, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Month. Year.
-Scholarship student, ○○ Scholarship Foundation
-Name“Title”, Japan, Date (Year), pp.

List any engagement you have in your community beyond the classroom (i.e. research lab positions, leadership positions, committees, outreach activities, etc).

-Tutor for international student, 〇〇 University, Month.Year-Month.Year.
-Special Inter-Institutional Research Fellow, 〇〇, 〇〇 Agency, Month.Year-Month.Year.
-Student member of editorial board, 〇〇, Month.Year-Today.

How could your lab, department, and/or larger community benefit from you attending this summer school?

Attending the summer school will be benefit for our laboratory of 〇〇 University. Our laboratory focuses on space electric propulsion and have conducted plasma particle simulation of microwave plasma thrusters and molecular dynamics simulation of electrospray thrusters. These simulations use HPC, such as the KDK computer system at 〇〇 University. I will spread the experience studying in the summer school.


理化学研究所 計算科学研究推進室(連携促進グループ)

  • メールアドレスrenkei_hrd[at]ml.riken.jp
