トップページ    計算科学研究センターとは    人材育成    計算科学eラーニング    R-CCS国際シンポジウム    第1回R-CCS国際シンポジウム    “Advancement of meteorological and global environmental predictions utilizing observational “Big Data””

The 1st R-CCS International Symposium 18 Feb,2019
"Advancement of meteorological and global environmental predictions utilizing observational “Big Data""

Accelerating of global warming, it is pointed out that the frequency and severity of extreme weather events are increasing around the world. These include severe heavy rain, the heat wave, tornadoes and very large typhoons and so on. We are now developing new technology to make accurate predictions of those extreme weather events using ultra-high-resolution simulations and big data obtained from satellite-based observation technologies and ground radars. It enables us to assess the level of various damages caused by the extreme weather events. In addition, the system is being developed to predict the changes of characteristics of typhoons under global warming condition, which means the challenge to predict extreme events in longer range time scale from weeks to decades. Furthermore, a platform technology is being developed to assess and predict the level of particles emitted through human activity—including aerosols, greenhouse gases, and PM 2.5—and assess their effect on the weather and environment. These technologies are expected to contribute to the formulation of policies for protecting the environment, preventing disasters, and maintaining public health.

Keiko Takahashi
(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)


Keiko Takahashi
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology

