トップページ 計算科学研究センターとは 人材育成 計算科学eラーニング R-CCS国際シンポジウム 第1回R-CCS国際シンポジウム
"Opening Address: From K to Post-K and Beyond"
"Operation of the K computer and the facility"
"Beating heart simulation driven by three dimensional molecular dynamics model"
“Using Artificial Intelligence and Transprecision Computing for Accelerating Finite-Element Urban Earthquake Simulation”
“Advancement of meteorological and global environmental predictions utilizing observational “Big Data””
“Massively parallel density matrix renormalization group method algorithm for two-dimensional strongly correlated systems and its applications”
“Validation of alternative technology by direct turbulence simulation for towing tank experiment”
“First-principles sampling simulation approaches to battery science and technology”
“HPC for biomaterials: Why does it hurt to play soccer (and baseball)”
“Exascale Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Cancer”
“EPI, Europe strikes back on HPC”
“Arm in HPC”