R-CCS Cafe
R-CCS Cafe 特別版(2)(2024年9月18日)
R-CCS Cafe 特別版(2)(2024年9月18日)
English開催日 | 2024年9月18日(水) |
開催時間 | 15:00 - 16:00 |
開催都市 | 兵庫県神戸市/オンライン |
場所 | 計算科学研究センター(R-CCS)6階講堂/Zoomによる遠隔セミナー |
使用言語 | 発表・スライド共に英語 |
登壇者 |
Pierre Jolivet Sorbonne Universite, CNRS, LIP6, France ![]() |
Speaker: Pierre Jolivet
Interoperability between libraries for high-performance distributed-memory computing
Having state-of-the-art libraries interact seamlessly is of paramount importance for scientists who need to harness the power of supercomputers without knowing all the details of the underlying architectures. In this presentation, I will focus on libraries for performing finite-element analyses. These involve assembly procedures with a high-level of abstraction and an algebraic backend which is tightly coupled with the discretization kernel so that linear and nonlinear solvers can benefit from additional physics-based inputs. Examples will be based on the following libraries and languages: FreeFEM, HPDDM, PETSc, SLEPc, in C, C++, Python, Fortran, or a custom domain-specific language.
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