トップページ イベント・広報 R-CCS Cafe R-CCS Cafe 第243回 第3部
R-CCS Cafe 第243回 第3部
Development of Massively Parallelized Quantum Chemical Software NTChem on Fugaku
開催日 | 2023年2月3日(金) |
開催時間 | 16:40 - 17:00(17:00 - 17:20 講演者を交えたフリーディスカッション、17:20 - 自由討論(参加自由)) |
開催都市 | オンライン |
場所 | Zoomによる遠隔セミナー |
使用言語 | 発表・スライド共に英語 |
登壇者 |
Fist-principles techniques play an important role in various chemical disciplines such as drug design and material science. However, computational cost of Hartree–Fock, HF, and density functional theory, DFT, usually increases as 𝑂(𝑁³) with the number of atoms 𝑁, which makes it challenging to simulate large-scale systems. We have been developing a quantum chemical package, NTChem, for massively parallelized calculation, which scales linearly.
NTChem is provided on several HPC resources including Fugaku, which needs to perform consistently under different environments—compilers, MPI implementations, BLAS/LAPACK libraries and so forth. We have measured NTChem benchmarks of ten thousand-atom systems on Fugaku, the largest computational resource among them. The calculations were performed at hybrid DFT level of theory, which mixes the HF exact exchange, and basissets of double-zeta quality.
In this talk I will present development progress of NTChem on Fugaku.
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