トップページ    イベント・広報    R-CCS Cafe    R-CCS Cafe 第233回 第2部


Breaking walls to make a safe and secured society based on simulation

開催日 2022年8月1日(月)
開催時間 16:20 - 16:40(17:00 - 17:20 講演者を交えたフリーディスカッション、17:20 - 自由討論(参加自由))
開催都市 オンライン


使用言語 発表・スライド共に英語

大石 哲


写真:大石 哲


Many natural disasters and anthropogenic hazards surround us. For example, Japan has earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, typhoons, long-lasting rainfalls, and mudslides. Some parts of the world may have frequent and more devastating fires when it becomes dryer, or some parts may have an incredible amount of rain in the future. The recent and upcoming climate will change the types of natural hazards. Our society should adapt to the change to decrease damage. In order to adapt to the change or in order to prepare for less frequent hazards, we use physics-based simulation. Physics-based simulation gives detailed information about damage when something happens, even though it is difficult to predict when it will happen. Moreover, physics-based simulation counts the relationship among stakeholders having the same driving force, for example, water resource shortage and frequent fire, sea-level increase and increased risk of high tide. However, making comprehensive physics-based simulation is not easy; even one-way information paths like weather information from meteorological simulation to high tide simulation because information formats between them are not uniform. Technology progression and legacy constructions exist at the same time. It prevents easier data exchange. We developed a “Data Processing Platform (DPP)” to transform data with less effort for developing software. The DPP will automatically connect user-defined libraries and third-party libraries to transform data from one source of information to a format required by the other software. We archived to make a three-dimensional (3D) model of concrete bridges from their two-dimensional (2D) CAD data by using DPP. Moreover, DPP has created input data for FEM of the bridges from the same 2D CAD by adding a library. The library has a function to transform the format and create files for input files of FEM simulation. It decreased the time to make another application that reads 2D CAD, and extracts required information. The talk will explain the basic concept, case studies, and benefits.


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