トップページ    イベント・広報    R-CCS Cafe    R-CCS Cafe 第232回 第2部


Modern computational perspective and challenges in studying the strongly interacting matter

開催日 2022年7月15日(金)
開催時間 16:20 - 16:40(17:00 - 17:20 講演者を交えたフリーディスカッション、17:20 - 自由討論(参加自由))
開催都市 オンライン


使用言語 発表・スライド共に英語

Goswami JISHNU



The exploration of the structure of the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter is an active field of research both in the experimental and theoretical nuclear physics communities with important phenomenological implications for heavy-ion collisions, early universe physics. These calculations are done by discretized the space-time in four dimensional lattice and exploring different parameter regimes like mass, temperature and chemical potential and finally take the vanishing lattice spacing limit(continuum limit). Lattice calculations requires high-performance, highly parallelized code as for larger lattice sizes, smaller masses the computational cost increases drastically such that it pushes the limits of our available computational power. Currently, the algorithm that we use is known as Hamiltonian(hybrid) monte carlo for simulations and in various steps we need to invert a large higher dimensional sparse matrix. The inversion is the most time consuming or most computer resources demanding part of our calculations. In this talk, I will mainly focus on different solvers which we use to accelerate our simulations.


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