トップページ    イベント・広報    R-CCS Cafe    第178回 第4部


Importance of turbulence process with cloud ~ Toward global large eddy simulation model ~

開催日 2019年8月5日(月)
開催時間 16:00 - 16:55
開催都市 兵庫県神戸市

R-CCS 6階講堂

使用言語 発表・スライド共に英語

富田 浩文


写真:富田 浩文


In K computer era, the global cloud resolving model was established to some extent. Computational Climate Research Team aims now development of a next-generation climate model with super-high resolution, which explicitly resolves the phenomena, based on more principle theoretical modeling. In such model, a key process is expression of turbulence in rotating stratified fluid. Furthermore, it tightly interacts with cloud condensation. After brief introduction of the team aim, we give a talk about the past achievement and future plan, focusing on the turbulence modeling.
