R-CCS Cafe
第178回 第3部
第178回 第3部
Extending Supercomputers with FPGA-based Custom Computing Machine
開催日 | 2019年8月5日(月) |
開催時間 | 15:05 - 16:00 |
開催都市 | 兵庫県神戸市 |
場所 | R-CCS 6階講堂 |
使用言語 | 発表・スライド共に英語 |
登壇者 |
佐野 健太郎 プロセッサ研究チーム、チームリーダー ![]() |
Custom computing with dedicated circuits on FPGAs (Field-Programmable Gate Arrays) is promising to accelerate computation that general-purpose multi-core processors are not good at. In our team, we have developed a system with Intel's 14nm Stratix10 FPGAs and a data-flow compiler which generates a pipelined custom hardware module to be embedded onto an FPGA and executed as stream computing. In this talk, I introduce the system including FPGA's dedicated network subsystem, the data-flow compiler, and expected applications to be off-loaded to FPGAs, as well as challenges to be tackled in our project. Finally, I discuss what a future supercomputer should be in the Post-Moore era.
Biography: Dr. Kentaro Sano received his Ph.D. from GSIS, Tohoku University, in 2000. Since 2000 until 2005, he had been a Research Associate at Tohoku University. Since 2005 until 2018, he has been an Associate Professor at Tohoku University. He was a visiting researcher at the Department of Computing, Imperial College, London, and Maxeler corporation in 2006 and 2007. Since 2017 until present, he has been a team leader of a processor research team at R-CCS, Riken. His research interests include FPGA-based high-performance reconfigurable computing systems especially for scientific numerical simulations and machine learning, high-level synthesis compilers and tools for reconfigurable custom computing machines, and system architectures for next-generation supercomputing based on the data-flow computing model.