R-CCS Cafe
第142回 第二部
第142回 第二部
Progress report/Introduction of Large-scale Parallel Numerical Computing Technology Research Team
開催日 | 2018年8月3日(金) |
開催時間 | 14:00 - 15:00 |
開催都市 | 兵庫県神戸市 |
場所 | R-CCS 6階講堂 |
使用言語 | 発表・スライド共に英語 |
登壇者 |
今村 俊幸 大規模並列数値計算技術研究チーム チームリーダー ![]() |
The Large-scale Parallel Numerical Computing Technology Research Team conducts R&D of large-scale, highly reliable, and high-performance parallel mathematical software for the K computer (at the moment post-K is also another target system). Our activities are direct and indirect supports to simulation users because simulation programs require various numerical techniques to solve systems of linear equations, to solve eigenvalue problems, to compute and solve non-linear equations, and to do fast Fourier transforms. In addition, we have started to investigate data analysis tools, for example, high dimensional-sparse FFT, tensor decomposition, and acceleration techniques on some emerging devices such as an FPGA.
In last year and this year, the technical issues on the post-K computer have become more explicit. We recognized that some of the optimization technologies studied on manycore architecture are also of significance in the team activities. For a short-term research milestone, we are going to focus on following three topics in FY2018-2021(the post-K computer is expected to be launched in regular operations);
1) `Communication avoiding' algorithm,
2) `Reproducible and maintainable numerical software framework,' and
3) `Precision-and-power aware computing.'
The talk at the CCS-Café also covers our team history, the background of numerical linear algebra and high-performance computing, and some innovative topics of numerical algorithms.