SC23(2023年11月12日~17日 米国・デンバー+オンライン)
SC23(2023年11月12日~17日 米国・デンバー+オンライン)
【展示期間は11月13日~16日、ブース:1611 フロアプラン】
理研ブースでは、計算科学研究センター(R-CCS)、生命機能科学研究センターの計算分子設計研究チームによる GRAPE Project、情報システム本部の3つのセンター・グループにおける活動について展示します。
R-CCSではスーパーコンピュータ最新情報や、「富岳」以外のスパコンやクラウドサービス上に「富岳」と同等のソフトウェア環境を再現する「バーチャル富岳」の取り組みを紹介するほか、R-CCSにおける研究・人材育成活動・国際連携などについて展示します。また、11/15に開催されるJob Fairにも出展します(ブース:JF7)。
開催日 | 2023年11月12日(日) - 17日(金) |
開催都市 | 米国 デンバー |
日時 (現地時間) |
内容 |
11月14日(月) |
スーパーコンピュータ「富岳」HPCG、Graph500にて8期連続世界第1位を獲得 |
- 日時は現地時間(MST)
- Workshop
13th International Workshop on Runtime and Operating Systems for Supercomputers (ROSS)
Session Chairs: Balazs Gerofi, Torsten Hoefler, Kamil Iskra - Workshop
Sustainable Supercomputing
Session Chairs: Fumiyoshi Shoji, James H. Rogers, William W. Thigpen, Mike Woodacre, Michèle Weiland - Workshop
HUST-23: 10th International Workshop on HPC User Support Tools
Introducing Open OnDemand to Supercomputer Fugaku
Masahiko Nakao, Hidetomo Kaneyama, Masaru Nagaku, Ikki Fujiwara, Atsuko Takefusa, Shinichi Miura, Keiji Yamamoto - Workshop
RSDHA: Redefining Scalability for Diversely Heterogeneous Architectures
RSDHA – Panel Discussion
Moderators: Seyong Lee, Mehmet Belviranli, Ali Akoglu Panelists: Mohamed Wahib, Ivy Peng, Ulya Karpuzcu, Sameer Shende - Workshop
The 9th International Workshop on Data Analysis and Reduction for Big Scientific Data (DRBSD-9)
Streaming Hardware Compressor Generator Framework
Kazutomo Yoshii, Tomohiro Ueno, Kentaro Sano, Antonino Miceli, Franck Cappello - Workshop
The 1st International Workshop on the Environmental Sustainability of High-Performance Software
Augmenting ML-Based Predictive Modelling with NLP to Forecast a Job's Power Consumption
Francesco Antici, Keiji Yamamoto, Jens Domke, Zeynep Kiziltan
- Workshop
Fourth International Workshop on Quantum Computing Software
Prototype of a Batched Quantum Circuit Simulator for the Vector Engine
Keichi Takahashi, Toshio Mori, Hiroyuki Takizawa - Workshop
ISAV23: In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis and Visualization
Information Entropy-Based Camera Focus Point and Zoom Level Adjustment for Smart In-Situ Visualization
Taisei Matsushima, Ken Iwata, Naohisa Sakamoto, Jorji Nonaka, Chongke Bi - Workshop
PMBS23: The 14th International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking, and Simulation of High-Performance Computer Systems
Hardware Specialization: Estimating Monte Carlo Cross-Section Lookup Kernel Performance and Area
Kazutoamo Yoshii, John Tramm, Bryce Allen, Tomohiro Ueno, Kentaro Sano, Andrew Siegel, Pete Beckman - Workshop
14th Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Heterogeneous Systems (ScalAH'23)
Invited Talk 4: Innovative Supercomputing by Integrations of Simulations/Data/Learning on Oakforest-PACS II
Kengo Nakajima
- Posters
Research Posters Display
Scalable Reduced-Order Modeling for Three-Dimensional Turbulent Flow
Kazuto Ando, Rahul Bale, Akiyoshi Kuroda, Makoto Tsubokura - Posters
Research Posters Display
Unleashing CGRA Potential for HPC
Boma Adhi, Emanuele Del Sozzo, Carlos Cortes, Xinyuan Wang, Tomohiro Ueno, Kentaro Sano - Posters
Research Posters Display
Integrating TEZIP into LibPressio: A Case Study of Integrating a Dynamic Application into a Static C Environment
Isita Talukdar, Amarjit Singh, Robert Underwood, Kento Sato, Weikuan Yu - Posters
Research Posters Display
A Hybrid Factorization Solver with Mixed Precision Arithmetic for Sparse Matrices
Atsushi Suzuki - Panel
Runtimes and Workflow Systems for Extreme Heterogeneity: Challenges and Opportunities
Moderator: Jeffrey S. Vetter
Panelists: Antonio Peña, Miwako Tsuji, Olivier Aumage, Silvina Caino-Lores, Pedro Valero-Lara - Birds of a Feather
Arm in HPC: Experiences and Lessons Learned in Operating Arm-Based HPC Systems
Session Leader: Filippo Spiga
Additional Session Leaders: Simon McIntosh-Smith, Eva Siegmann, Miwako Tsuji
Panelist: Hitoshi Murai
- ACM Gordon Bell Finalist
ACM Gordon Bell Climate Finalists Presentations
Big Data Assimilation: Real-Time 30-Second-Refresh Heavy Rain Forecast Using Fugaku during Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics
Takemasa Miyoshi, Arata Amemiya, Shigenori Otsuka, Yasumitsu Maejima, James Taylor, Takumi Honda, Hirofumi Tomita, Seiya Nishizawa, Kenta Sueki, Tsuyoshi Yamaura, Yutaka Ishikawa, Shinsuke Satoh, Tomoo Ushio, Kana Koike, Atsuya Uno
- Birds of a Feather
Advances in FPGA Programming and Technology for HPC
Session Leader: Martin Herbordt
Additional Session Leaders: Kentaro Sano, Christian Plessl, Tong Geng, Taisuke Boku, Jeffrey Vetter
- Birds of a Feather
The International Post-Exascale (InPEx) Project
Session Leader: Jean-Yves Berthou
Additional Session Leaders: Pete Beckman, Jack Dongarra, Satoshi Matsuoka, Sergi Girona, Bernd Mohr, Emmanuel Jeannot
- Birds of a Feather
Advanced Architecture "Playgrounds" - Past Lessons and Future Accesses of Testbeds
Session Leader: Jeffrey Young
Additional Session Leaders: Jens Domke, Oscar Hernandez, Filippo Spiga, Ross Miller
- Birds of a Feather
Operational Data Analytics
Session Leader: Rachel Palumbo
Additional Session Leaders: Norm Bourassa, Jim Brandt, Jeff Hanson, Tim Osborne, Michael Ott, Melissa Romanus, Ben Schwaller, Woong Shin, Kathleen Shoga, Keiji Yamamoto
- Birds of a Feather
System Software for Quantum Accelerated HPC
Session Leader: Laura Schulz
Additional Session Leader or Speakers: Martin Schulz, Sven Karlsson
Panelist: Miwako Tsuji
- Workshop
3rd International Workshop on RESource DISaggregation in High Performance Computing (RESDIS)
Session Chairs: Balazs Gerofi, Christian Pinto, John Shalf - Workshop
First International Workshop on HPC Testing and Evaluation of Systems, Tools, and Software (HPCTESTS 2023)
Toward Collaborative Continuous Benchmarking for HPC
Olga Pearce, Alec Scott, Gregory Becker, Riyaz Haque, Nathan Hanford, Stephanie Brink, Doug Jacobsen, Heidi Poxon, Jens Domke, Todd Gamblin
- Graph500
Wed, Nov 14 at 12:15pm - 1:15pm MST
Graph 500 website - TOP500 Supercomputers
Tue, Nov 14 at 5:15pm - 6:45pm MST
TOP500 official website - ACM Gordon Bell Prize for Climate Modelling
Thu, Nov 16 at 12:45pm - 1:30pm MST
AACM Gordon Bell Prize for Climate Modelling official website