トップページ イベント・広報 イベントカレンダー SC19(11月17日 - 22日 米国・デンバー)展示・講演情報
SC19(11月17日 - 22日 米国・デンバー)展示・講演情報
English開催日 | 2019年11月17日(日) - 22日(金) |
開催都市 | 米国 デンバー |
日付 | 内容 |
2019年11月18日 |
さらに今回はブース内において、特別企画の理研ブーストークシリーズ “Fugaku and the Arm HPC Ecosystem.”を行います。
会期中に複数回、毎回違うゲストをお迎えし、「富岳」とArm HPC Ecosystem 関わるキーパーソンたちがトークを繰り広げます。オーディエンスの質問にもお答えする予定です。
RIKEN Booth Talk Series “Fugaku and the Arm HPC Ecosystem.”
日時 | 内容 |
Mon Nov. 18 7:30pm | |
Mon Nov. 18 8:00pm | |
Tue Nov. 19 11:00am | |
Tue Nov. 19 11:30am | |
Tue Nov. 19 1:30pm | |
Wed Nov. 20 11:30am | |
Wed Nov. 20 1:30pm | |
Wed Nov. 20 2:00pm | |
Wed Nov. 20 2:30pm |
理研関係者によるResearch Poster
Research Poster は11月19日(火)から11月21日(木)までの期間展示されます。
理研関係者は、あわせて12のResearch Posterを発表予定です。
- 日付は現地時間
Sunday Nov. 17
- Workshop
Satoshi Matsuoka (Director / High Performance Artificial Intelligence Systems Research Team) - Workshop
Numerical Reproducibility Based on Minimal-Precision Validation
Toshiyuki Imamura (Large-Scale Parallel Numerical Computing Technology Research Team / Architecture Development Team)
Daichi Mukunoki (Large-Scale Parallel Numerical Computing Technology Research Team / Architecture Development Team) - Workshop
The Memory Controller Wall: Benchmarking the Intel FPGA SDK for OpenCL Memory Interface
Satoshi Matsuoka (Director / High Performance Artificial Intelligence Systems Research Team)
Monday Nov. 18
- Early Career Program
Early Career Program: Welcome and Leadership
Satoshi Matsuoka (Director / High Performance Artificial Intelligence Systems Research Team) - Workshop
In Situ Adaptive Timestep Control and Visualization Based on the Spatio-Temporal Variations of the Simulation Results
Yoshiaki Yamaoka (Kobe University; HPC Usability Development Unit, R-CCS)
Naohisa Sakamoto (Kobe University; HPC Usability Development Unit, R-CCS)
Jorji Nonaka (HPC Usability Development Unit) - Workshop
GPU Implementation of a Sophisticated Implicit Low-Order Finite Element Solver with FP21-32-64 Computation Using OpenACC
Kohei Fujita (University of Tokyo; Computational Disaster Mitigation and Reduction Research Team/Application Development Team, R-CCS)
Tsuyoshi Ichimura (University of Tokyo; Computational Disaster Mitigation and Reduction Research Team, R-CCS)
Muneo Hori (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology; Computational Disaster Mitigation and Reduction Research Team, R-CCS) - Workshop
Keynote 2: Toward Scaling Deep Learning to 100,000 Processors - The Fugaku Challenge
Satoshi Matsuoka (Director / High Performance Artificial Intelligence Systems Research Team) - Workshop
GPU Acceleration of Communication Avoiding Chebyshev Basis Conjugate Gradient Solver for Multiphase CFD Simulations
Takuya Ina (Large-Scale Parallel Numerical Computing Technology Research Team / Architecture Development Team)
Toshiyuki Imamura (Large-Scale Parallel Numerical Computing Technology Research Team / Architecture Development Team) - Workshop
Tenth Annual Workshop for the Energy Efficient HPC Working Group: Machine Installations - Pre-Exascale and Beyond
Fumiyoshi Shoji (Director, Operations and Computer Technologies Division/HPC Usability Development Unit / System Software Development Team/Architecture Development Team) - Workshop
Parallel Multigrid Methods on Manycore Clusters with IHK/McKernel
Kengo Nakajima (Deputy Director)
Balazs Gerofi (System Software Development Team / System Software Research Team)
Yutaka Ishikawa (Project Leader, Flagship 2020 Project / System Software Development Team / System Software Research Team)
Tuesday Nov. 19
Wednesday Nov. 20
- Paper
HyperX Topology: First At-Scale Implementation and Comparison to the Fat-Tree
Jens Domke (High Performance Big Data Research Team)
Satoshi Matsuoka (Director / High Performance Artificial Intelligence Systems Research Team) - Paper
A Versatile Software Systolic Execution Model for GPU Memory Bound Kernels
Satoshi Matsuoka (Director / High Performance Artificial Intelligence Systems Research Team)
(SC Best Paper Award finalist / SC Best Student Paper Award finalist)
Thursday Nov. 21
- Paper
iFDK: A Scalable Framework for Instant High-Resolution Image Reconstruction
Satoshi Matsuoka (Director / High Performance Artificial Intelligence Systems Research Team)
Friday Nov. 22
- Panel
HPC Big Data and AI: Computing under Constraints
Satoshi Matsuoka (Director / High Performance Artificial Intelligence Systems Research Team)
- 19th Graph500 List
(Denver: Tuesday, 11/19 12:15pm-, Japan: 11/20 4:15am-)
Graph500 official website - TOP500 Supercomputers
(Denver: Tuesday, 11/19 5:15pm-, Japan: 11/20 9:15am-)
TOP500 official website - The Green 500: Trends in Energy Efficient Supercomputing
(Denver: Wednesday, 11/20 5:15pm-, Japan: 11/21 9:15am-)
Green500 official website - HPCG Benchmark Update
(Denver: Thursday, 11/21 12:15pm-, Japan: 11/22 4:15am-)
HPCG official website