GENESIS 1.7.1 released

This version has the following updates:

  • (SPDYN) Introduce AMBER FF19SB
  • (ATDYN) Introduce AMBER GBSA model

GENESIS 1.7.0 released

This version has the following updates.

  • (ATDYN) AICG2+ CG model for protein
  • (ATDYN) Macro-mixing KB Go/DoME model
  • (ATDYN) 3SPN.2C CG model for DNA
  • (ATDYN) Structure-based CG model for RNA
  • (ATDYN) HPS/KH CG model for IDR and RNA
  • (ATDYN) PWMcos CG model for protein-DNA sequence-specific interaction
  • (ATDYN) Morphing calculation
  • (Analysis) CG topology/parameter/coordinate generation: GENESIS-CG-tool
  • (Analysis) Q-value analysis for CG models
  • (Analysis) Extracting averages of selected atoms

GENESIS 1.6.2 released

This version has the following updates.

  • Compiling and running GENESIS on Windows 10 under cygwin and MSMPI
  • Deprecate energy_analysis (Please use analysis_grest in [REMD] on spdyn)

GENESIS 1.6.1 released

This version has the following updates.

  • (ATDYN) QM/MM with AMBER force field
  • (ATDYN) Interface with QSimulate-QM

GENESIS 1.6.0 released

This version has the following updates.

  • (ATDYN) Minimum Energy Path Search
  • (Analysis) Spatial Decomposition Analysis (SPANA) (sasa, rdf, density, hbond, contact)

GENESIS 2.0 beta available

Ver. 2.0 beta is quite faster than ver. 1.X, and also optimized for the FUGAKU super-computer. Note that the available functions are currently limited to only SPDYN, since this is a pre-release version. For details, see the “Download” page.

GENESIS 1.5.1 released

This version has the following updates.

  • (ATDYN) Fix L-BFGS minimization
  • (SPDYN) Fix free-energy perturbation
  • (SPDYN) Enable local restraints in free-energy perturbation
  • (Analysis) Fix mbar_analysis
  • (Analysis) Stop energy_analysis if there is non-desired mixtures of solvent and solute in angle/dihed/improp/cmap
  • (general) extend maximum characters per line in control file (for recent CHARMM-GUI)

GENESIS 1.5.0 released

This version has the following new features.

  • Free-energy perturbation method (FEP)
  • On-the-fly energy analysis in gREST
  • Isolated system (no-PBC w/ or w/o spherical boundary potential)