トップページ 計算科学研究センターとは 人材育成 計算科学eラーニング R-CCS国際シンポジウム 第4回R-CCS国際シンポジウム
"Fugaku: Lessons Learned and Directions for the Future"
"Computics Approach toward Underlying Science in Semiconductor Power Electronics"
"Large Ensemble Atmospheric and Environmental Prediction for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation"
"Development of a whole-brain blood circulation simulator for personalized medicine support"
"Current status of the project "Toward a unified view of the universe: from large scale structures to planets""
"Digital Transformation of the Manufacturing Process and Smart Design in the Society 5.0 Era."
"Realization of Innovative Light Energy Conversion Materials utilizing the Supercomputer Fugaku"
"Variational Quantum Algorithms"
"Scientific Discovery and Innovation with Quantum Simulation"
"The Usefulness of Quantum"
"Programming models for integrating Quantum Computer with "Classic" HPC Systems"
"Contributions to Quantum computing from classical Numerical computing software"
"Introducing Quantum Computing Research in IHPC, A*STAR: Our Way Towards Practical Quantum Advantage"