International Symposium/School on Data Assimilation
International Symposium on Data Assimilation-Online (ISDA-Online)
"Data assimilation in coupled chaotic dynamics and its combination to machine learning to infer unresolved scale error"
"Data assimilation in coupled chaotic dynamics and its combination to machine learning to infer unresolved scale error"
The International Symposium on Data Assimilation Online (ISDA-Online) May 7, 2021
"Coupled Data Assimilation"
International Symposium on Data Assimilation - Online
By using the covariant Lyapunov vectors we show that they are related to coupling mechanisms and are natural manifestation of the atmosphere-ocean interactions. As opposed to the uncoupled case, they must be included in a coupled data assimilation with EnKF to achieve good performance. Finally, we show how coupled DA and machine learning can be combined to infer parametrization of the unresolved scales. It generates a data driven parametrization that is then added to the physical model to form a hybrid physical-data-driven model. Results show the goodness of the hybrid model and the importance of using CDA in the training so to embody coupled mechanisms otherwise absent in the raw data.
- 名前
- Alberto Carrassi 1,2
Laurent Bertino3
Marc Bocquet4
Julien Brajard3
Jonathan Demaeyer5
Stephane Vannitsem5 - 所属
- 1 University of Reading and NCEO, UK
2 Utrecht University, Netherlands
3 NERSC Norway
4 ENPC, France
5 RMI, Belgium