トップページ 計算科学研究センターとは 人材育成 計算科学eラーニング データ同化 International Symposium/School on Data Assimilation International Symposium on Data Assimilation-Online (ISDA-Online) "Strongly coupled data assimilation with the coupled ocean-atmosphere model AWI-CM: comparison with the weakly coupled data assimilation"
"Strongly coupled data assimilation with the coupled ocean-atmosphere model AWI-CM: comparison with the weakly coupled data assimilation"
The International Symposium on Data Assimilation Online (ISDA-Online) May 7, 2021
"Coupled Data Assimilation"
International Symposium on Data Assimilation - Online
We compare the results of strongly coupled and weakly coupled data assimilation by analyzing the assimilation effect on the prediction of the oceanic as well as the atmospheric variables. In the ocean, the WCDA and the SCDA give similar results and both of them improve the prediction of the temperature. In the atmosphere, the WCDA gives slightly smaller errors for the near-surface variables than the SCDA. In the free atmosphere, SCDA yields smaller errors for the temperature, wind velocity and specific humidity than the WCDA in the Arctic region.