トップページ 計算科学研究センターとは 人材育成 計算科学eラーニング データ同化 International Symposium/School on Data Assimilation International Symposium on Data Assimilation-Online (ISDA-Online) "Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Covariances in Global Ensemble Simulations: Impact of an Eddy-Resolving Ocean"
"Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Covariances in Global Ensemble Simulations: Impact of an Eddy-Resolving Ocean"
The International Symposium on Data Assimilation Online (ISDA-Online) May 7, 2021
"Coupled Data Assimilation"
International Symposium on Data Assimilation - Online
We examine patterns of correlations between atmosphere, ocean, and ice in a high-resolution (1/12° ocean and ice, and 1/3° atmosphere) ensemble of global models. We highlight regimes when coupled fluids are strongly correlated and, hence, can be expected to benefit from strongly coupled data assimilation. A comparison with models at lower resolution reveals that coupling in the boundary currents and in the tropical ocean requires highly resolved vertical and horizontal grids.