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The International Symposium on Data Assimilation Online (ISDA-Online) April 16, 2021
"Convective-Scale Data Assimilation"
International Symposium on Data Assimilation - OnlineThe webpage will open in a new tab.

A prototype of a 4DEnVar system has been developed for the Arome-France NWP system. It uses a 1.3km horizontal resolution, with 15 minutes timeslots in a hourly cycle, and perturbations from a 3.2km EDA. A description of this 4DEnVar system and preliminary results obtained from the simulation of strong convective events will be discussed. Particularly, the handling of the temporal dimension within the assimilation window by the background error temporal correlations deduced from the EDA will be investigated thanks to original diagnostics.


Pierre Brousseau
Etienne Arbogast
Loïk Berre
Yann Michel
Thibaut Montmerle

