トップページ    計算科学研究センターとは    人材育成    計算科学eラーニング    生命科学    計算生命科学の基礎    計算生命科学の基礎7(2020)    計算生命科学の基礎7 Analysis of antibody-antigen interactions from sequence data

Antibodies are the soluble portion of B cell receptors (BCRs). Since antibodies are a critical part of our immune system’s defense against disease, there is growing interest in identifying BCR sequences associated with specific disease-related antigens. In the recent COVID-19 pandemic, for example, a number of groups reported antibody sequences against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein within months of the outbreak (Brouwer, et al., 2020; Cao, et al., 2020; Chi, et al., 2020). Structure determination of antibody-antigen complexes is a low throughput task, so there is a need for computational methods that can characterize the epitopes of disease-specific antibodies from sequence information alone.



写真:Standley, Daron
Standley, Daron
大阪大学 微生物病研究所 教授 

