User Guide
Fugaku Cloud Platform
Fugaku Cloud Platform
JapaneseRIKEN conducted a demonstration experiment for the introduction of the cloud-like access "Fugaku Cloud Platform (FCP)" from April 2020 to March 2022, to make the computational resources of the supercomputer Fugaku more widely available, to further expand its usefulness and to improve user experience.
The FCP allows users to access Fugaku’s overwhelming computing power more easily through various services provided by external service providers. The alliance between RIKEN and external service providers, each offering operational knowledge in high-performance computing and cloud service technology, will create a new access model for Fugaku.
Nine research projects were completed in collaboration with service providers. Each project provided services to users on a trial basis. From 2022, even after the collaborative research period ended, users are able to continue utilizing both the service, as well as the Fugaku itself, by applying to participate in HPCI research topics jointly with the service provider.

The Nine Collaborative Projects
- "Vosges Project: Joint research on cloud utilization using Altair PBS Works and Radioss on Fugaku"
Altair Engineering, Inc. - "Empirical study of high-performance and easy-to-use Science-Cloud for large-scale computational chemistry on the Fugaku Supercomputer"
HPC Systems Inc. - "Cloud Bursting to Fugaku by Job Scheduler"
HPC Solutions, Inc. (ARGO GRAPHICS Inc.) - "Developing Useability Enhancement of Fugaku, Everyone's Fugaku"
EXA CORPORATION - "XTREME-Stargate (TM) connectivity verification to Supercomputer Fugaku"
XTREME-D Inc. - "Verification of FOCUS/VINAS Industrial Applications aimed at the Cloud-Like Use of the Supercomputer Fugaku"
Foundation for Computational Science: FOCUS (VINAS Co., Ltd.)
- "Democratizing HPC on Fugaku with JARVICE XE and Kubernetes"
Nimbix, Inc. - "Research for an environment to run scientific simulation software on Fugaku"
FUJITSU LIMITED - "Rescale ScaleX on Supercomputer Fugaku"
Rescale, Inc.
Related links
- Call for Collaborative Research Projects for the Fugaku Cloud Platform (October 23, 2020)
- Projects decided for trial cloud-like use of supercomputer Fugaku (February 28, 2020)
- Call for Collaborative Research Projects for Verifying the Cloud-Like Use of Fugaku (November 15, 2019)