TOP    Fugaku    Supporting Facilities

To operate a supercomputer, electricity is surely a necessity, while a cooling system is also needed to remove the heat generated by computing.

Some of the supporting facilities and equipment of the K computer is reused in the support of Fugaku. Since power consumption and thus heat increased when compared with those of the K computer, the cooling system and power equipment needed to be strengthened. The existing cogeneration power plant and high voltage power substation were adopted for Fugaku.

Electrical equipment

Since Fugaku has an excellent energy efficiency, its power consumption is only twice that of the K computer, while delivering computing power 40 times faster than the K. Yet, it’s still over the capacity of the facilities of the K computer so the electrical equipment was expanded.

photo: Expanded power equipment
Electrical equipment room

Cooling system

Since the amount of heat generated per computer rack of Fugaku reaches several times larger than that of the K computer, the cooling system was expanded accordingly. The ratio of water cooling to air cooling is 9:1 for Fugaku, while it’s 2:1 for the K computer. Hence, while some A/C units are not in use, the freezers, heat exchangers, pumps, and other equipment were expanded to produce sufficient cooling water.

Also see the videos of the construction work for the facility expansion (Japanese only)

photo: Pumps (front) and A/C units (back)
Pumps (front) and A/C units (back)

Seismic isolation structure

The seismic isolation structure with laminated rubber and dampers installed at various spots ensure protection of the facilities during a major earthquake with a Japanese Meteorological Agency seismic intensity scale (shindo) of 6 or higher.

photo: Seismic isolation structure

The virtual 3D models of the facilities

Please browse in the virtual 3D models of Fugaku, the electrical/cooling facilities, and the underground seismic isolation structure and take a closer look at these restricted areas.