Quantum-HPC Hybrid Platform Division
Quantum-HPC Hybrid Platform Division
Division Director
Mitsuhisa Sato -
Deputy Division Director
Yuetsu Kodama
This division conducts the research and development of the quantum HPC hybrid computing platform and its system software for the integration of quantum computational technologies with high-end supercomputers.
RIKEN is carrying out a project of the Transformative Research Innovation Platform of RIKEN platforms (TRIP) as a cross-disciplinary project. In this project, quantum computational technologies are expected to present the opportunity to tackle several problems that are currently infeasible to solve with supercomputers. In order to make practical use of quantum computing, high performance computing is required to be integrated with quantum computers. Moreover, as well as demonstrating the advantage of quantum-HPC hybrid applications, we will develop advanced technologies to deploy the quantum-HPC hybrid applications on this platform as a service (PaaS) in the post-5G era. With the support of NEDO, we will accelerate R&D to build the Quantum-supercomputers hybrid platform together with Softbank Corp., and the University of Tokyo, and Osaka University.