RIKEN R-CCS Software Center

About Us

RIKEN R-CCS Software Center was founded in 2017 to promote software developed at R-CCS.
The missions of RIKEN R-CCS Software Center are:
― to develop and deploy high quality applications, libraries, programming tools, etc. (called "R-CCS Software") for many HPC platforms including the K computer and the successor Fugaku.
― to support and collaborate with R-CCS Software users from various fields of science and engineering to improve and enhance the R-CCS Software.
Currently we are promoting five software developed by R-CCS and plan to expand the lineup in the near future.

For upcoming and previous workshops of the R-CCS software, please visit:R-CCS Software Workshops


  • FrontFlow/red-HPC

    General-purpose thermal fluid modeling software for analyzing large flow fields with complicated geometries, like those arising in studies of gas turbines or automobile aerodynamics


    Job management software for large scale simulations.

  • NTChem

    Comprehensive software for ab initio quantum chemistry calculations of large and complicated molecular systems.


    Basic library for the analysis and simulation of the climate system of the Earth and planets.


    Molecular dynamics and modeling software for bimolecular systems such as proteins, lipids, glycans, and their complexes.

National Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
Building picture of RIKEN R-CCS
RIKEN Appearance photo