TOP    Events & Outreach    News & Announcements    Release of “Fugaku-LLM” – a large language model trained on the supercomputer“Fugaku” – Enhanced Japanese language ability, for use in research and business –

A team of researchers in Japan released Fugaku-LLM, a large language model with enhanced Japanese language capability, using the RIKEN supercomputer Fugaku. The team is led by Professor Rio Yokota of Tokyo Institute of Technology, Associate Professor Keisuke Sakaguchi of Tohoku University, Koichi Shirahata of Fujitsu Limited, Team Leader Mohamed Wahib of RIKEN, Associate Professor Koji Nishiguchi of Nagoya University, Shota Sasaki of CyberAgent, Inc, and Noriyuki Kojima of Kotoba Technologies Inc.

For details, please see the link below:

Release of “Fugaku-LLM” – a large language model trained on the supercomputer“Fugaku”-Enhanced Japanese language ability, for use in research and business-The webpage will open in a new tab. (EurekAlert! Website)

(May 10, 2024)