TOP    Events & Outreach    Event Calendar    Photographs Wanted! Help us make the Fugaku mosaic poster!

We are currently designing a mosaic poster* to advertise Fugaku, Japan’s planned new supercomputer, and are asking people from around the world to send us photos and other graphics that we can incorporate into a mosaic. We hope to gather around 2,000 photos or illustrations, and use them as mosaic pieces of a poster to publicize the new computer.

The supercomputer Fugaku is scheduled to begin operations around 2021, with a speed up to 100 times that of its predecessor, the K computer. The name Fugaku, which was selected earlier this year based on proposals from the public, is another word for Mt. Fuji, Japan’s tallest mountain.

We are hoping to receive photos or illustrations that depict either Mt. Fuji or Kobe, where the new computer will be located, or which show something for which your own town or area is known for being number one! The deadline for submissions is September 13. The poster will make a debut at the Open House Day event on November 9, and will be posted on our website.

We will also give special gifts to 20 people selected by lottery from people giving us images (winners will be contacted individually).

Date Fri, Sep 13, 2019
City Kobe, Japan
To Apply

Post on Twitter, or Instagramusing the hashtag, #FugakuMosaicPoster.

  • Submissions by mail will not be accepted.
  • A message of up to 120 characters can be posted.
  • The post must be public.
  • At the time of submission, it is considered that you have read and understood the Notes above.
Registration Close Date Fri, Sep 13, 2019
  • Image submission may be closed before the above deadline if the number of submissions exceeds 2000.
Photos for submission:
  • Mt. Fuji or other mountains
  • A creative representation of Mt. Fuji, such as a photo of a mountain-shaped dessert, bowl-full of rice, upside-down bucket. Use your imagination!
  • Kobe, where the new computer will be located
  • Something for which your own town or area is known for being number one!
  • Something related to computers

Send as many as you would like!

You can also include a message with the photo or illustration if you’d like, explaining why you chose it. It should not be longer than 100 characters.

  • We will publish these messages on the website, so please do not include anything such as your real name if you do not want this information to be published. The messages will not be included on the poster itself.

Illustrations are also welcome.

  • Please see “Notes” below for details on the format of the image files.

please read before making a submission

  • Image files must be in landscape orientation. If we decide to use portrait orientation photos, they will be rotated 90 degrees.
  • Images files must be in JPG or PNG format.
  • The aspect ratio should be 4:3. If the ratio is not correct the photo will be automatically trimmed.
  • Please make the photo at least 320x240 pixels.
  • The photo or illustration must have been taken or drawn by the submitter.
  • You must get permission for use of the photo from all people who appear in it.
  • If we feel that a certain photo may violate someone’s rights or might be improper or illegal due to contents, we will not use it.
  • If we receive complaints about privacy-related issues, we may at our discretion decide to remove an image from the collage.
  • Copyrights are retained by the individuals who took a photo or drew an image, but giving an image to the project means giving the organizers permission to use the image without fee.
  • The organizers reserve the right to make necessary (minimum) modifications to any image.
  • Personal information received by the organizers for this project will not be used for any other purpose. We will handle personal information strictly in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Regulations of RIKEN.

Meaning of “Fugaku”

The soaring peak of Mt. Fuji implies high level of performance of the supercomputer Fugaku, and its broad base alludes to the expansion of the application field and user base.

An article on the announcement of the new name can be found at the following link:
A brand new name for a brand new supercomputerThe webpage will open in a new tab.


RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS)
Fugaku Poster Project personnel (Public Relations Group)

(Aug 13, 2019)