Proximal Rdf calculation

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    • #14092


      Hi all,

      I used gromacs for generating the trajectory. I am completely new to Genesis and would like to use it for calculating the proximal RDF on the trajectory generated by gromacs. The information given at the following page is quiet useful for making the run input file ( However, I would like to know which function/executive should be used for the rdf_analysis. As such there is no function named rdf_analysis in the bin directory. Kindly help me.




    • #14103


      Dear Raji,


      Rdf_analysis is not implemented yet in ver. 1.4.0, but will be introduced later.

      I guess you found that page by googling some related keywords. But, the page is still under construction.

      Please wait for the later version of GENESIS.


      Best regards,

      Takaharu Mori (GENESIS developers team)

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