Implicit solvent

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    • #25715


      Good day all, i tried to use implicit sovent model GB for TMD and got an error when i wanted to start production run about unknown parameter for final rmsd. where can i put the final rmsd for implicit solvent model


      [STEP1] Read Control Parameters

      Read_Ctrl_Input> Input Files
      prmtopfile = open.prmtop
      ambcrdfile = open.crd
      rstfile = openeq.rst
      ambreffile = closed.crd

      Read_Ctrl_Output> Output Files
      dcdfile = md_gbsa_target.dcd
      rstfile = md_gbsa_target.rst
      pdbfile = md_gbsa_target.pdb

      Read_Ctrl_Energy> WARNING: “water_model” is not available
      Read_Ctrl_Energy> Parameters of Energy Calculations
      forcefield = AMBER
      switchdist = 23.000 cutoffdist = 25.000
      pairlistdist = 28.000 dielec_const = 1.000
      debye = 10.000
      vdw_force_switch= no
      electrostatic = CUTOFF
      implicit_solvent= gbsa
      gbsa_eps_solvent= 78.50000 gbsa_eps_solute = 1.00000
      gbsa_alpha = 1.00000 gbsa_beta = 0.80000
      gbsa_gamma = 4.85000 gbsa_salt_cons = 0.20000
      gbsa_vdw_offset = 0.09000 gbsa_surf_tens = 0.00500
      table_order = 3
      table_density = 20.000
      water_model = NONE
      output_style = GENESIS
      dispersion_corr = none
      nonb_limiter = no
      user def. table = no

      End_Ctrlfile_Section> Unknown parameter: [dynamics] “final_rmsd”:
      End_Ctrlfile_Section> Stop. rank_no = 0
      Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned
      a non-zero exit code.. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
      mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing
      the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

      Process name: [[50418,1],0]
      Exit code: 1

    • #25716



      In atdyn, please use ‘final_value’ instead of ‘final_rmsd’.

      There is no description about it in MANUAL and it is confusing, so we will change the description or source code later.

      Thank you for your report.



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