11.4 Coarse-grained MD simulation of FUS Condensation with the HPS model
(This tutorial is for GENESIS v1.7.0 and later)
In this tutorial we will simulate the phase behavior of the low-complexity domain of the protein Fused in Sarcoma (FUS). This domain is intrinsically disordered and able to phase separate both in vivo and in vitro. Here we employ a recently developed CG model, the HPS [1], to simulate the dynamics of FUS with GENESIS.
0. Preparation
0.1 Install necessary softwares
Same as the other CG tutorials (tutorial 11.1, 11.2, 11.3), we have to first install the GENESIS-CG-tool [2] that generates CG coordinate and topology files from PDB files. As a dependency, please install Julia.
0.2 Download the files for this tutorial
Let’s download the tutorial file (tutorial22-11.4.zip). This tutorial consists of two parts:
- system setup
- MD simulations of FUS condensation
# Download and unarchive the tutorial files
$ cd /home/user/GENESIS/Tutorials
$ unzip tutorial22-11.4.zip
$ cd tutorial-11.4
$ ls
01_setup 02_simulation
1. Setup
As we mentioned above, here we focus on the intrinsically disordered region (IDR) in the protein FUS. Unlike the normal way to get “native” information from available PDB structures, we don’t have any reference structure for IDRs. Therefore, we will generate a straight initial conformation for the IDR. With the HPS model, we expect the IDR to relax and reach an equilibrium after sufficiently long simulation.
We prepared a file (fus.fasta
) of the sequence of FUS:
$ cd 01_setup/
$ cat fus.fasta
We then use the GENESIS-CG-tool to create an artificial structure and topology files from this sequence:
$ /home/user/genesis_cg_tool/tools/modeling/protein_artifact/cg_protein_structure_builder.jl -s fus.fasta
This will generate five new files:
: CG topology files for the FUS IDR;fus_cg.gro
: coordinate file for the FUS IDR;fus_cg.psf
: PSF-style topology file for the FUS IDR;fus_cg.pdb
: PDB file for the FUS IDR.
You may want to use a visualization software such as VMD or PyMOL to get a glance of the initial structure, it looks like this:
2. MD simulations of FUS
2.1 Single chain
We first perform single-chain simulations of the FUS IDR to relax its conformation from the straight initial structure.
Let’s change the directory and copy necessary files:
$ cd ../02_simulation/02.1_single_chain/
$ ls
analysis/ param/ pro.inp
$ cp ../../01_setup/fus_cg.itp .
$ cp ../../01_setup/fus_cg.top .
$ cp ../../01_setup/fus_cg.gro .
In the directory we have already put a control file pro.inp
grotopfile = fus_cg.top
grocrdfile = fus_cg.gro
pdbfile = fus_single_md1.pdb
dcdfile = fus_single_md1.dcd
rstfile = fus_single_md1.rst
forcefield = RESIDCG
electrostatic = CUTOFF
cg_cutoffdist_ele = 52.0
cg_cutoffdist_126 = 39.0
cg_pairlistdist_ele = 57.0
cg_pairlistdist_126 = 44.0
cg_sol_ionic_strength = 0.15
cg_IDR_HPS_epsilon = 0.2
integrator = VVER_CG
nsteps = 1000000
timestep = 0.010
rstout_period = 100000
crdout_period = 10000
eneout_period = 10000
nbupdate_period = 20
rigid_bond = NO
ensemble = NVT
tpcontrol = LANGEVIN
temperature = 300
gamma_t = 0.01
type = NOBC
Compared with normal control files for CG simulations, here we have a new variable, cg_IDR_HPS_epsilon
, which controls the strength of the LJ potential.
In the param
directory, the atom_types.itp
file contains (line 126 to 211) the parameters of the HPS potential. In the latest version of GENESIS-CG-tool, these parameters default to a set proposed by Tesei et al. [3], but you can change them to other published parameter sets [1, 4, 5] or any set of parameters you prefer. (Note that the developers of GENESIS do not take any responsibility of changing parameters during the execution of MD simulations.)
Now we can carry out the simulation with atdyn
$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2; mpirun -np 4 /home/user/genesis/bin/atdyn pro.inp > fus_single_md1.log
This 106-step simulation will take several minutes on a laptop. After the simulation, four new files are created:
is the final structure of the MD simulation;fus_single_md1.dcd
is the MD trajectory;fus_single_md1.rst
is the MD restarting file;fus_single_md1.log
is the output of the time series of energies and other quantities.
2.1.1 Analysis of the MD trajectory of single-chain FUS
We are interested in the compactness of the FUS IDR. GENESIS provides a tool to calculate the radius-of-gyration (Rg). Here we use this tool to calculate the time series of Rg for FUS.
$ cd analysis
$ ls
$ /home/user/genesis/bin/rg_analysis rg_analysis.inp
After running the commands above, we will get a file output.rg
, which contains the Rg values of FUS at each frame in the MD trajectory. By plotting Rg as a function of the simulation time, we can see that during the 106-step run, the Rg of FUS quickly converges to a value around 22Å. We can also use VMD or PyMOL to see the configuration of FUS stored in the dcd file, which illustrates how the FUS collapsed from a straight line (the initial structure) to a relatively compact conformation, as shown in the following:
2.2 Multiple chains
We are going to duplicate the equilibrated single-chain FUS to construct the initial structure of the multiple FUS system. Now let’s change the directory and copy necessary files:
$ cd ../02.2_multiple_chains/
$ cp ../../01_setup/fus_cg.itp .
$ cp ../../01_setup/fus_cg.top .
$ cp ../02.1_single_chain/fus_single_md1.pdb .
The first step is to convert the PDB file we got in the MD simulation of single FUS into the grocrd format. We can do this with the GENESIS-CG-tool:
$ /home/user/genesis_cg_tool/tools/fileformat_conversion/pdb_2_gro.jl -t fus_cg.top -p fus_single_md1.pdb --pdb-noTER -o fus_single.gro
This command reads information from fus_single_md1.pdb
and writes the coordinates into fus_single.gro
We then use another script in the GENESIS-CG-tool to create duplications of the single FUS:
$ /home/user/genesis_cg_tool/tools/modeling/duplication_modeling/duplication_generator.jl -t fus_cg.top -c fus_single.gro -o fus_cg --nx 2 --ny 2 --nz 30
System name:fus_cg
Number of particles in top:163
Duplicated system has 2 x 2 x 30 x 100% = 120 copies, in total 19560 atoms
Duplicated system size: 125.990 x 122.242 x 1773.420
Now we have a new system (fus_cg_mul_2_2_30_n_120.gro
) composing of 2 × 2 × 30 = 120 copies of the single FUS and the (estimated) system size was 125.999 × 122.142 × 1773.420 Å3. In real simulation, we need to set the PBC box size larger than this one. Besides, don’t forget to make changes to the topology file (here we create a new file fus_cg_120.top
$ cp fus_cg.top fus_cg_120.top
$ vim fus_cg_120.top
$ cat fus_cg_120.top
#include "./param/atom_types.itp"
#include "./param/flexible_local_angle.itp"
#include "./param/flexible_local_dihedral.itp"
#include "./param/pair_energy_MJ_96.itp"
#include "fus_cg.itp"
[ system ]
multiple fus_cg
[ molecules ]
fus_cg 120
[ cg_ele_chain_pairs ]
ON 1 - 120 : 1 - 120
As can be seen, we have 120 “fus_cg” chains as assigned in the “[ molecules ]
” block. We also want to calculate electrostatic interactions among all the 120 chains, as described in the “[ cg_ele_chain_pairs ]
The control file for the 120-FUS simulation (fus_120.inp
) looks like this:
grotopfile = fus_cg_120.top
grocrdfile = fus_cg_mul_2_2_30_n_120.gro
pdbfile = fus_120_run.pdb
dcdfile = fus_120_run.dcd
rstfile = fus_120_run.rst
forcefield = RESIDCG
electrostatic = CUTOFF
cg_cutoffdist_ele = 52.0
cg_cutoffdist_126 = 39.0
cg_pairlistdist_ele = 57.0
cg_pairlistdist_126 = 44.0
cg_sol_ionic_strength = 0.15
cg_IDR_HPS_epsilon = 0.2
integrator = VVER_CG
nsteps = 10000000
timestep = 0.010
rstout_period = 1000000
crdout_period = 10000
eneout_period = 10000
nbupdate_period = 20
rigid_bond = NO
ensemble = NVT
tpcontrol = LANGEVIN
temperature = 300
gamma_t = 0.01
type = PBC
box_size_x = 180.0
box_size_y = 180.0
box_size_z = 1800.0
As mentioned earlier, the simulation box size is slightly larger than the initial duplicated system, and the shape is a “slab” that the z-dimension is much larger than the other two.
Now let’s run the simulation with atdyn
$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2; mpirun -np 4 ~/Workspace/genesis/bin/atdyn fus_120.inp > fus_120_run.log
After the simulation, you can use your favorite visualization tool to take a look at the MD trajectory. The final structure of the 120 FUS may look like this:
Note that due to the randomness of Langevin dynamics, your final structure may looks different. For example, the FUS chains may aggregate into two or more smaller clusters.
[1] Dignon G. L., Zheng W., Kim Y. C., Best R. B., Mittal J., PLOS Comput. Biol., 2018, 14(1), e1005941. [2] Tan C., Jung J., Kobayashi C., Ugarte La Torre D., Takada S., and Sugita Y., 2022, PLoS Computational Biology 18(4), e1009578. [3] Tesei, G., Schulze, T. K., Crehuet, R. & Lindorff-Larsen, K. 2021, Proc National Acad Sci 118, e2111696118. [4] Regy, R. M., Thompson, J., Kim, Y. C. & Mittal, J. 2021, Protein Sci 30, 1371–1379. [5] Dannenhoffer-Lafage T. and Best R. B., J Phys Chem B, 2021 125 (16), 4046-4056.Written by Cheng Tan@RIKEN Center for Computational Science, Computational Biophysics Research Team
October, 2021