
In usual, we analyze RMSD of the protein Calpha atoms with respect to the initial structure as in Ex1. reffile in [INPUT] is the reference coordinates. We can also specify fitting atoms and analysis atoms separately. For example, RMSD of the ligand with respect to the protein can be analyzed (see Ex2).

Ex1) RMSD with respect to the protein Calpha atoms in the initial structure

psffile        = ../BPTI_ionize.psf # protein structure file
reffile        = ../BPTI_ionize.pdb # PDB file
rmsfile        = output.rms       # RMSD file
trjfile1       = ../BPTI_run.dcd  # trajectory file
md_step1       = 500000           # number of MD steps
mdout_period1  = 500              # MD output period
ana_period1    = 500              # analysis period
repeat1        = 1
trj_format     = DCD              # (PDB/DCD)
trj_type       = COOR+BOX         # (COOR/COOR+BOX)
trj_natom      = 0                # (0:uses reference PDB atom count)
group1         = an:CA            # selection group 1
fitting_method = TR+ROT           # [NO,TR,TR+ROT,TR+ZROT,XYTR,XYTR+ZROT]
fitting_atom   = 1                # atom group
mass_weight    = NO               # mass-weight is not applied
check_only     = NO               # (YES/NO)
analysis_atom  = 1                # atom group

Ex2) RMSD of the ligand by fitting protein Calpha atoms

psffile        = ../protein_atp.psf # protein structure file
reffile        = ../protein_atp.pdb # PDB file
rmsfile        = output.rms       # RMSD file
trjfile1       = ../protein_atp.dcd  # trajectory file
md_step1       = 500000           # number of MD steps
mdout_period1  = 500              # MD output period
ana_period1    = 500              # analysis period
repeat1        = 1
trj_format     = DCD              # (PDB/DCD)
trj_type       = COOR+BOX         # (COOR/COOR+BOX)
trj_natom      = 0                # (0:uses reference PDB atom count)
group1         = an:CA            # selection group 1
group2         = rnam:ATP
fitting_method = TR+ROT           # [NO,TR,TR+ROT,TR+ZROT,XYTR,XYTR+ZROT]
fitting_atom   = 1                # atom group
mass_weight    = NO               # mass-weight is not applied
check_only     = NO               # (YES/NO)
analysis_atom  = 2                # atom group