16.4 Vibrational analysis of a phosphate ion in solution
1. Introduction
In this section, we will calculate the infrared (IR) spectrum of a phosphate ion (H2PO4−) in water solution using QM/MM. This system has been studied by QM/MM [1, 2] and ab initio MD [3]. These works have reported strong solvation effects on the IR spectrum, i.e., there is a large spectral shift in the spectrum between the gas-phase and solution due to strong hydrogen bonds (HBs) of H2PO4− and water molecules. The treatment of HB interaction is of essential importance to reproduce the experimental IR spectrum accurately.
Here, we carry out QM/MM calculations, in which the solute is treated by DFT at the level of B3LYP/cc-pVDZ and the water molecules by TIP3P force field. The QM calculations are performed using Gaussian16. The IR spectrum is obtained by solving the vibrational Schrödinger equation (VSE),
\( \displaystyle \left[ -\frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=1}^f \frac{\partial^2}{\partial Q_i^2} + V(\mathbf{Q}) \right]\Psi_n(\mathbf{Q}) = E_n \Psi_n(\mathbf{Q}), \)
where \( f \) is the number of degrees of freedom, \( \mathbf{Q} = (Q_1, Q_2, \cdots, Q_f) \) is the vibrational modes, and \( V(\mathbf{Q}) \) is the potential energy surface (PES). In the harmonic approximation, the PES is truncated at the second-order Taylor expansion around the equilibrium geometry,
\( \displaystyle V(\mathbf{Q}) \simeq V_0 + \sum_{i=1}^f c_{ii} Q_i^2, \)
where the analytical solution to the VSE can be obtained. We also demonstrate anharmonic vibrational calculations, which incorporate the third- and higher-order terms of the PES. The latter is performed by combining GENESIS with SINDO program. SINDO is used to generate the anharmonic potential [4] and to solve the VSE by the second-order vibrational quasi-degenerate perturbation theory (VQDPT2) [5,6].
2. Preparation
Download the tutorial file (tutorial19-16.4.zip or github), unzip it, and proceed to tutorial-16.4. This directory contains nine sub-directories.
$ unzip tutorial19-16.4.zip $ cd tutorial-16.4 $ ls 0_qmmm_md/ 1_setup/ 2_minimize/ 3_harmonic/ 4_qff/ 5_grid/ 6_vib/ sindo/ toppar/
contains input files to setup H2PO4− in a water box and to perform QM/MM-MD simulations using DFTB3. The simulation can be performed in the same way as in Section 16.2. Although we just leave the input files and don’t go into the details here, interested readers are encouraged to try them out.
contains the outcome of the QM/MM-MD simulation,
$ ls 1_setup cmd_100.crd cmd_100.pdb cmd_100.psf qmmm_prod.rst
is H2PO4− in a water sphere of 40 Å diameter obtained from a MD snapshot using qmmm_generator
, and qmmm_prod.rst
is a restart file of the QM/MM-MD simulation. toppar
is already included in the zip file,
$ ls toppar po4.prm po4.rtf
contain the topology and parameter of H2PO4− and TIP3P water.
3. Geometry optimization
Let’s proceed to 2_minimize
$ cd 2_minimize $ ls gaussian.com minimize.gpi qmmm_min.inp run.sh runGau.sh
is a template to generate an input file of Gaussian, and runGau.sh
is a script to invoke Gaussian from GENESIS. qmmm_min.inp
is a control file of GENESIS, and run.sh
is a script to run GENESIS. We will look into these files in the following.
(a) The template file of Gaussian
Important keywords of gaussisan.com
are listed below.
%chk=gaussian.chk (1) ... scf(conver=8) iop(4/5=100) NoSymm Charge Force Prop=(Field,Read) pop=mk (2) ... #coordinate# (3) #charge# (4) #elec_field# (5)
(1) The name of a checkpoint file must be “gaussian.chk”. Never remove or change this line.
(2) These are keywords for Gaussian.
runs the SCF calculation with a convergence criterion of 10-8 Hartree. The threshold is reduced by 2 upon restart.
is a directive to read molecular orbitals (MO) from a checkpoint file if present.
prevents reorientation of axis.
reads MM coordinates and charges.
calculates the force in addition to the energy.
calculates the electric field at given positions.
calculates the ESP charge of QM atoms obtained by fitting the electrostatic potential generated by the electron density to that of atomic charges. Note that this option must be present if macro=YES
(see below).
(3), (4), (5) are replaced by the coordinates of QM atoms, the coordinates and charge of MM atoms, and the coordinates of MM atoms, respectively, at runtime by GENESIS.
See Appendix A for further details on the input options.(b) The script file to run Gaussian
The first part of runGau.sh
is shown below. The text in red must be properly set by users,
export g16root=/path/to/gaussian (1) export GAUSS_EXEDIR=$g16root/g16 export GAUSS_EXEBIN=$g16root/g16/g16 export PATH=$PATH:$GAUSS_EXEDIR export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${GAUSS_EXEDIR}:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} # --- Set the path for a scratch folder --- scratch=/scr/$USER (2) # (optional) # --- Set a chkpoint file to read initial MOs --- #initialchk='../path/to/initial.chk' (3)
(1) Set a path to a folder where Gaussian is installed.
(2) Set a path to a scratch folder. If your machine has a fast, local disk equipped, it is better to use it as a scratch folder. Guassian (and most QM programs) writes a large intermediate file, so that the speed of disk access may significantly affect the performance.
(3) Optionally, set a checkpoint file to read initial MO. (See Section 4)
Note that GENESIS calls the script in the following way,
$ runGau.sh job.com job.log 0
where the first and second arguements are the name of input and output files of Gaussian, respectively, and the third one is the step number in MINIMIZE or MD. It is a good practice to test the script with the above command and see if Gaussian runs properly.
(c) The control file of GENESIS
is similar to the one in Section 6.2 (tutorial-16.2/3_qmmm/qmmm_min.inp
), but has different entries in [QMMM]
[QMMM] qmtyp = gaussian (1) qmcnt = gaussian.com (2) qmexe = runGau.sh (3) qmatm_select_index = 2 (4) ... [SELECTION] group1 = ... group2 = sid:PO4 (5)
(1) qmtyp
is set to Gaussian.
(2) (3) qmcnt
and qmexe
are set to gaussian.com
and runGau.sh
, respectively.
(4) (5) qmatm_select_index = 2
points to group2
. H2PO4− is selected as a QM region.
section looks like this,
[MINIMIZE] method = LBFGS (1) nsteps = 500 # number of steps eneout_period = 1 # energy output period crdout_period = 5 # coordinates output period rstout_period = 1 # restart output period nbupdate_period = 1 # non-bonded pair-list update period macro = YES (2) nsteps_micro = 100 fixatm_select_index = 1 (3) [SELECTION] group1 = not (sid:PO4 around_res: 15.0 or sid:PO4)
is an efficient algorithm to energy-minimize the structure, and is suitable for a tight optimization prior to vibrational analyses. SD
is not recommended here.
(2) macro = yes
invokes a macro/micro-iteration method. In this scheme, the optimization is carried out in two loops. Both QM and MM atoms are relaxed in the outer loop, while only MM atoms are relaxed with QM atoms fixed in the inner loop. During the inner loop, the QM atoms are represented by ESP charges and QM calculations are not required. Thus, it leads to a significant speed up of the calculation.
(3) fixatm_select_index = 1
fix the atoms specified in group1
. In this example, water molecules that are distant from H2PO4− by more than 15.0 Å are fixed.
Run the program using run.sh
$ chmod +x run.sh $ ./run.sh
The convergence of optimization is checked by the magnitude of root-mean-square gradient (RMSG) and the maximum gradient (MAXG). The tolerance is set to be 0.36 and 0.54 kcal mol-1 Å-1 by default. These values can be changed by tol_rmsg
and tol_maxg
in the [MINIMIZE]
In this example, the convergence will reach in around 50 cycles. The following message appears in the end of the log file when the convergence is reached.
>>>>> STOP: RMSG and MAXG becomes sufficiently small
Let us plot the variation of the potential energy and MAXG as a function of step number.
> grep INFO qmmm_min.out > minimize.log 2>&1 > gnuplot minimize.gpi
Because the variation in the potential energy is huge in the first few steps, you may adjust the range of y-axis by modifying minimize.gpi
> vi minimize.gpi ... set yrange [-418535:-418500] ... > gnuplot minimize.gpi
You can see that both energy and MAXG become small along the step. Note that the energy is converged with an accuracy of 1 kcal mol-1 around the 30-th step, while it takes 20 more steps to converge MAXG. A similar behavior is often seen for geometric parameters.
4. Harmonic vibrational analysis
Now, we carry out the harmonic vibrational analysis. In this calculation, the Hessian matrix of a partial system is calculated by numerical differentiations of the gradient. It requires the gradient at 6N + 1 grid points, where N is the number of atoms of the target molecule. The calculation is parallelized over the grid points, i.e., multiple QM calculations run simultaneously for different grid points. Furthermore, we use the molecular orbitals (MOs) obtained at the equilibrium geometry for the initial MOs of SCF calculations at each grid point. The restart of MOs significantly speed up the SCF convergence.
$ cd 3_harmonic $ ls gaussian.com plotIR.gpi plotIR.sh qmmm_harm.inp run.sh runGau.sh
is the control file of GENESIS. [INPUT]
and [OUTPUT]
sections look like this:
[INPUT] topfile = ../toppar/po4.rtf # topology file parfile = ../toppar/po4.prm # parameter file psffile = ../1_setup/cmd_100.psf # protein structure file pdbfile = ../1_setup/cmd_100.pdb # PDB file rstfile = ../2_minimize/qmmm_min.rst (1) [OUTPUT] minfofile = qmmm_harm.minfo (2)
(1) restarts from the optimized structure obtained in 2_minimize
(2) minfofile
is an output file, where the normal modes and harmonic frequencies are written.
Instead of [MINIMIZE]
, we now have a new section, [VIBRATION]
[VIBRATION] runmode = HARM (1) nreplica = 2 (2) vibatm_select_index = 3 (3) output_minfo_atm = 4 (4) [SELECTION] ... group3 = sid:PO4 (5) group4 = sid:PO4 around_res:3.0 (6)
(1) sets the calculation to the harmonic analysis.
(2) specifies the number of QM (=MPI) processes to run in parallel.
(3) and (5) set the target molecule of vibrational calculations to H2PO4−.
(4) and (6) set the atoms printed to the minfo file to H2PO4− and water molecules within 3.0 Å of H2PO4−.
is the same as the previous one in 2_minimize
. runGau.sh
is also the same except that we use the MOs of the last run for the initial MOs,
# --- Set a chkpoint file to read initial MOs --- initialchk='../2_minimize/qmmm_min.0/gaussian.chk'
In run.sh
, we specify 2 MPI processes. Note that the number of MPI processes must be the same or multiples of nreplica
. Assuming that we use 1 node with 16-core CPU,
export QM_NUM_THREADS=8 export OMP_NUM_THREADS=8 # 1) Open MPI # mpirun -np 2 --map-by node:pe=${QM_NUM_THREADS} $GENESIS qmmm_harm.inp > qmmm_harm.out 2>&1 # 2) Intel MPI # #mpirun -np 2 -ppn 2 $GENESIS qmmm_harm.inp > qmmm_harm.out 2>$1
With this setting, we will have 2 MPI processes running in a node. Let’s run the program,
$ chmod +x run.sh $ ./run.sh
In the output file (qmmm_harm.out
), we can check the atoms selected for vibrational analysis,
Enter vibrational analysis Cartesian coordinates of atoms for vib. analysis 1 1 PO4 1 PO42 P -5.0216935451 -10.7075582221 -5.3890709445 2 2 PO4 1 PO42 O1 -5.6128257332 -10.8802681545 -3.8550956045 3 3 PO4 1 PO42 H1 -5.4714433764 -11.7843520102 -3.5086043226 4 4 PO4 1 PO42 O2 -5.7403129966 -9.2977042064 -5.7845382483 5 5 PO4 1 PO42 H2 -6.7222316005 -9.3549834289 -5.7006580436 6 6 PO4 1 PO42 O3 -3.5100721734 -10.4488167274 -5.4038611074 7 7 PO4 1 PO42 O4 -5.5363941548 -11.8686855373 -6.2753623567
Then, we see the iteration over grid points,
Generate Hessian matrix by num. diff. of gradients Loop over atoms Done for 0 input replicaID = 1 energy = -418534.145104 Done for 21 O2 +Y replicaID = 2 Done for 1 P +X replicaID = 1 Done for 22 O2 +Y replicaID = 2 Done for 2 P +X replicaID = 1 ... Done for 42 O4 +Z replicaID = 2 RMSD of the gradient at the input geometry = 0.198811D+00 [kcal mol-1 Angs-1]
It is a good practice to make sure that the gradient at the input geometry (= equilibrium geometry) is sufficiently small. You will see a warning message if the gradient is large. In that case, check if the input geometry (rstfile) is correct, if the preceding minimization is converged, and so on. Then, the harmonic frequencies (in cm-1), infrared (IR) intensity (in km mol-1), and normal displacement vectors are printed,
Harmonic frequencies and normal displacement vectors mode 1 2 3 4 5 omega 123.7917 155.1630 163.7271 194.8849 229.0114 IR int. 6.4719 5.9877 5.0536 5.2343 3.0750 1 P X 0.2251 -0.0904 -0.3468 -0.1093 -0.1671 1 P Y 0.0003 0.5412 0.0397 -0.2286 0.0281 1 P Z 0.3616 0.0503 0.3070 0.3317 -0.1136
The minfo file (qmmm_harm.minfo
) can be visulalized using JSindo. See Appendix C
how to download and install the program. JSindo is invoked by the following command (on your local computer)
$ . ../sindo/sindo-4.0/sindovars.sh $ java JSindo
Then, proceed to File → Open → Choose qmmm_harm.minfo
. You will see the molecule show up on the screen. Then, goto Show → Vibrational Data. It will bring up a table of vibrational frequencies. By clicking one of the frequency, the corresponding vibrational mode is depicted in the molecular view.
The IR spectrum can be plotted using HarmSpectrum
tool in SINDO. plotIR.sh
is a script to do this,
$ cat plotIR.sh #!/bin/bash . ../sindo/sindo-4.0/sindovars.sh java HarmSpectrum qmmm_harm.minfo 5 300 1800 1 > harmonic.spectrum gnuplot plotIR.gpi
The arguments of HarmSpectrum
are the name of minfo file, the width of Lorentz function, the range of plot (300 – 1800 cm-1), and the interval of the plot data (1 cm-1). By running the script,
$ chmod +x plotIR.sh
$ ./plotIR.sh
$ ls
plotIR.sh plotIR.gpi plotIR.pdf ...
we obtain a plot of the IR spectrum, plotIR.pdf
, which looks like this,
5. Anharmonic vibrational calculations
We now perform anharmonic vibrational analysis. Since this section requires SINDO program, first see Appendix C and setup the program if you haven’t done it yet.
(a) Generation of the anharmonic PES
We first generate the anharmonic PES. The functional form of the PES is a combination of the quartic force field (QFF) and a one-dimensional (1D) grid PES. QFF reads,
\( \displaystyle V^{\mathrm{QFF}}(\mathbf{Q}) = V_0 + \sum_{i=1}^f c_{ii} Q_i^2 + \sum_{i, j, k}^f c_{ijk} Q_iQ_jQ_k + \sum_{i, j, k,l}^f c_{ijkl} Q_iQ_jQ_kQ_l, \)
and the 1D-grid PES is,
\( \displaystyle V^{\mathrm{1D-grid}} (\mathbf{Q}) = \sum_{i=1}^f V_i(Q_i) \)
where \( V_i(Q_i) \) is a potential energy function along \( Q_i \) in a descritized, grid representation.
Proceed to 4_qff
$ cd 4_qff $ ls gaussian.com makePES.xml makePES1.sh* makePES2.sh* qmmm_qff.inp run.sh* runGau.sh*
is a script to invoke RunMakePES
tool of SINDO.
$ cat makePES1.sh #!/bin/bash . ../sindo/sindo-4.0/sindovars.sh java RunMakePES -f makePES.xml > makePES.out1 2>&1
is the input file of RunMakePES
to generate QFF. We don’t go into detail of this file here, but interested readers are referred to the Users’ guide ot SINDO. Run the script by typing,
$ chmod +x makePES1.sh
$ ./makePES1.sh
$ ls
gaussian.com makePES.xml makePES2.sh* qmmm_qff.inp runGau.sh*
makePES.out1 makePES1.sh* makeQFF.xyz run.sh*
The command creates makeQFF.xyz
. This file contains coordinates of the target molecule, i.e., H2PO4–, at grid points where the energy and gradient are needed.
is the control file of GENESIS, which is the same as qmmm_harm.inp
except for the [VIBRATION]
[VIBRATION] runmode = QFF (1) nreplica = 2 vibatm_select_index = 3 gridfile = makeQFF.xyz (2) minfo_folder = minfo.files (3)
(1) sets the calculation to QFF generation.
(2) specifies the file that contains the coordinates of grid points.
(3) specifies the directory where intermediate minfo files are stored.
is a script to run GENESIS, which is the same as before. Now, let’s run the job,
$ chmod +x run.sh $ ./run.sh
We can check the iteration over the grid points in the output, qmmm_qff.out
Compute energy at grid points: minfo files created in [ minfo.files ] Done for mkqff-eq : replicaID = 2 Done for mkqff8-0 : replicaID = 1 Done for mkqff8-2 : replicaID = 1 Done for mkqff8-1 : replicaID = 2 ...
and the information at each grid point is written to minfo.files/mkqff-*.minfo
$ ls minfo.files mkqff10-0.minfo mkqff14_8-0.minfo mkqff17_13-3.minfo mkqff19_15-3.minfo mkqff10-1.minfo mkqff14_8-1.minfo mkqff17_14-0.minfo mkqff19_16-0.minfo ...
When the GENESIS job is done, we invoke the RunMakePES
tool again,
$ cat makePES2.sh
. ../sindo/sindo-4.0/sindovars.sh
java RunMakePES -f makePES.xml >& makePES.out2
$ chmod +x makePES2.sh
$ ./makePES2.sh
$ ls
gaussian.com makePES.xml makePES.out1 makePES.out2 makeQFF.xyz_0
minfo.files/ prop_no_1.mop qmmm_qff.0/ qmmm_qff.1/ qmmm_qff.inp
qmmm_qff.out run.sh runGau.sh
Although the command and the input file for RunMakePES
are the same as before, the program retrieves the information from minfo.files/*.minfo
, and prints the QFF coefficients to prop_no_1.mop
The grid PES can be generated in the same manner. Proceed to 5_grid
$ cd 5_grid $ ls gaussian_ene.com makePES1.sh qmmm_grid.inp runGau.sh makePES.xml makePES2.sh run.sh
is an input of GENESIS, in which the [VIBRATION]
section looks like this,
[VIBRATION] runmode = GRID (1) nreplica = 2 vibatm_select_index = 3 gridfile = makeGrid.xyz (2) datafile = makeGrid.dat (3)
(1) sets the calculation to grid PES generation.
(2) specifies the file that contains the coordinates of grid points.
(3) specifies the file where the energy and dipole moment are written.
In the grid PES generation, we calculate the energy and dipole moment, but don’t need the gradient. Therefore, the template of Gaussian, gaussian_ene.com
, doesn’t have the “force” keyword.
#P B3LYP/cc-pVDZ EmpiricalDispersion=GD3
scf(conver=8) iop(4/5=100) NoSymm
Charge (Force is removed)
Now, let’s run the job.
$ chmod +x run.sh makePES1.sh makePES2.sh $ ./makePES1.sh $ ./run.sh $ ./makePES2.sh
The first command (makePES1.sh
) writes the coordinates of grid points to makeGrid.xyz
, and the second command (run.sh
) invokes GENESIS. We can check the iteration over the grid points in the output, qmmm_grid.out
Compute energy at grid points: data written to [ makeGrid.dat ] Done for mkg-q9-11-0 : replicaID = 1 Done for mkg-eq : replicaID = 2 Done for mkg-q9-11-1 : replicaID = 2...
and the energy and dipole is written to makeGrid.dat
$ ls minfo.files mkg-q9-11-0, -666.961159903, 7.591214970E+00, 2.097339590E+01, 1.154947680E+01 mkg-q9-11-2, -666.971926490, 7.601926380E+00, 2.088108250E+01, 1.158874200E+01 mkg-q9-11-4, -666.976106344, 7.612145000E+00, 2.080164720E+01, 1.161928860E+01 ...
The last command (makePES2.sh
) creates the grid PES and dipole moment surface (DMS) and stores the information to *.pot
and *.dipole
, respectively.
$ ls *pot eq.pot q11.pot q13.pot q15.pot q17.pot q19.pot q21.pot q10.pot q12.pot q14.pot q16.pot q18.pot q20.pot q9.pot
$ ls *dipole eq.dipole q12.dipole q15.dipole q18.dipole q21.dipole q10.dipole q13.dipole q16.dipole q19.dipole q9.dipole q11.dipole q14.dipole q17.dipole q20.dipole
(b) VQDPT2 calculations
Finally, we carry out VQDPT2 calculations and obtain the anharmonic spectrum. The PES is a composite of QFF and 1D-grid PES,
\( \displaystyle V(\mathbf{Q}) = V^{\mathrm{QFF’}}(\mathbf{Q}) + V^{\mathrm{1D-grid}} (\mathbf{Q}), \)
where \( V^{\mathrm{QFF’}} \) is a QFF without the 1-mode terms,
\( \displaystyle V^{\mathrm{QFF’}}(\mathbf{Q}) = V^{\mathrm{QFF}} – \sum_{i=1}^f [ c_{ii} Q_i^2 + c_{iii} Q_i^3 + c_{iiii} Q_i^4]. \)
Proceed to 6_vib
$ cd 6_vib $ ls plotIR.gpi run.sh vqdpt2.inp
is a script to set the comosite PES and to run VQDPT2. The first part of the script looks like this,
export POTDIR=./pes if [ -e ${POTDIR} ]; then rm -r ${POTDIR} fi mkdir ${POTDIR} cp ../4_qff/prop_no_1.mop ${POTDIR} cp ../5_grid/*.pot ${POTDIR} cp ../5_grid/*.dipole ${POTDIR}
The information of the PES in 4_qff
and 5_grid
is gathered to $POTDIR
(pes). The composit PES above is specified in this way, becuase the grid PES takes higher priority than QFF. vqdpt2.inp
is the input file to carry out VQDPT2 calculations. See SINDO website for the details about the input file.
Let’s run the program,
sindo < vqdpt2.inp > vqdpt2.out 2>&1 gnuplot plotIR.gpi
creates, vqdpt-IR.spectrum
, and gnuplot
plots the resulting spectrum, which looks like this.
It would be interesting to compare the result with Fig. 4 (d) (e) of Ref. [1]. Although the overall trends are similar, there are some notable differences. One of the reasons is the size of the QM region (and also due to the difference in the basis sets, cc-pVDZ vs cc-pVTZ). In Ref. [1], the water molecules around H2PO4– were also included in the QM region. Such a calculation can be done by setting,
group2 = sid:PO4 around_res: 3.0 or sid:PO4
in the input files of GENESIS. Ref [1] shows the IR spectrum of H2PO4– in the gas phase, i.e., without water molecules, in Fig. 4 (f). A significant change between the gas-phase and solution is noteworthy.
[1] K. Yagi, K. Yamada, C. Kobayashi, and Y. Sugita, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 15, 1924-1938 (2019).[2] M. Klaḧn,G. Mathias, C. Kötting,M. Nonella,J. Schlitter, K. Gerwert, and P. Tavan, J. Phys. Chem. A 108, 6186−6194 (2004).
[3] J. VandeVondele, P. Troster, P. Tavan, and G. Mathias, J. Phys. Chem. A 116, 2466−2474 (2012).
[4] K. Yagi, S. Hirata, and K. Hirao, Theor. Chem. Acc. 118, 681-691 (2007).
[5] K. Yagi, S. Hirata, and K. Hirao, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 10, 1781-1788 (2008).
[6] K. Yagi and H. Otaki, J. Chem. Phys. 140, 084113 (2014).
Appendix A. The template input file for Gaussian (gaussian.com)
The template file for Gaussian is the following.
%chk=gaussian.chk .... (1) %NProcShared=8 .... (2) %mem=1gb .... (3) #P b3lyp/cc-pVDZ EmpiricalDispersion=GD3 .... (4) scf(conver=8) iop(4/5=100) NoSymm Charge .... (5) Force Prop=(Field,Read) pop=mk .... (6) .... (7) Gaussian run for QMMM in genesis .... (8) .... (9) -1 1 .... (10) #coordinate# .... (11) #charge# .... (12) #elec_field# .... (13)
(1) specifies the name of a check point file. Don’t change this line unless you are sure!
(2) specifies the number of CPU threads. This line is overwritten to match $QM_NUM_THREADS
by runGau.sh
(see below).
(3) specifies the amount of memory used by Gaussian. “1gb” means 1 giga-byte. We can also use “mb” for mega-byte. That is, “1000mb” is a synonym of “1gb”. Note that the memory here is only for one Gaussian job. Don’t forget to leave some room for GENESIS. Also, pay attention to the number of QM jobs that runs in a node. The maximum amount of memory specified here would be,
maxMemory = (mem_of_system – mem_for_OS) / (num_of_proc_per_node) – mem_for_GENESIS
(4) – (6): These are options to control QM calculations in Gaussian. Visit the Gaussian website for further details.
uses B3LYP functions for DFT and cc-pVDZ for the basis sets
uses D3 dispersion correction
sets SCF convergence to 10-8 Hartree.
restarts SCF if the previous MO is present in a checkpoint file (=gaussian.chk)
keeps the XYZ orientation of a system
sets MM point charges in QM calculations
calculates the gradient of the energy
Prop=(field, read)
calculates the electric field applied to MM point charges
calculates ESP charges for QM atoms. This is required when macro = yes
(7) a blank line to set the end of options.
(8) a title line. This can be anything.
(9) a blank line to set the end of a title.
(10) specifies charge and spin multiplicity. Note that the former is the charge of a QM subsystem, not of the whole system. Multiplicity is 2s+1, where s is the spin of a QM subsystem.
(11)-(13) These directives are replaced with the coordinates of QM atoms and MM atoms.
Appendix B. The script to run Gaussian (runGau.sh)
#!/bin/bash # ----------------------------------------------- # Settings for Gaussian16 # # --- Set the path for Gaussian --- export g16root=/usr/local/gaussian ... (1) export GAUSS_EXEDIR=$g16root/g16 export GAUSS_EXEBIN=$g16root/g16/g16 export PATH=$PATH:$GAUSS_EXEDIR export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${GAUSS_EXEDIR}:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} # --- Set the path for a scratch folder --- scratch=./ ... (2) # (optional) # --- Set a chkpoint file to read initial MOs --- #initialchk='../initial.chk' ... (3) QMINP=$1 ...(4) QMOUT=$2 NSTEP=$3 MOL=${QMINP%.*} # Initial MO if [ $NSTEP -eq 0 ] && [ -n "${initialchk}" ] && [ -e ${initialchk} ]; then cp ${initialchk} gaussian.chk ... (5) fi # Scratch folder settings export GAUSS_SCRDIR=$scratch/$(mktemp -u $MOL.XXXX) ... (6) mkdir -p ${GAUSS_SCRDIR} # SMP parallel setting if [ -z "$QM_NUM_THREADS" ] && [ "${QM_NUM_THREADS:-A}" = "${QM_NUM_THREADS-A}" ]; then QM_NUM_THREADS=$OMP_NUM_THREADS ... (7) fi TMP=$(mktemp tmp.XXXX) echo "%NprocShared=${QM_NUM_THREADS}" >> $TMP grep -v -i nproc $QMINP >> $TMP ... (8) mv $TMP $QMINP # Now exe g16 and create a formatted chk file (time $GAUSS_EXEBIN < $QMINP) > ${QMOUT} 2>&1 ... (9) formchk gaussian.chk gaussian.Fchk >& /dev/null # Remove unnecessary folder rm -rf ${GAUSS_SCRDIR} ... (11)
(1) sets the path for Gaussian.
(2) sets the path for scratch files.
(3) modify to use existing check point file for restarting SCF.
(4) sets the input arguments to variables.
(5) copy the saved check point file, which contains the initial MO, to gaussian.chk
. Note that this line is executed only for the first step ($NSTEP == 0
(6) sets $GAUSS_SCRDIR
to a temporary folder in $scratch. Gaussian uses this variable for a scratch folder.
(7) checks whether or not $QM_NUM_THREADS
is set. If not, it defaults to $OMP_NUM_THREADS
(8) modifies $QMINP
so that %NprocShared
equals to $QM_NUM_THREADS
(9) executes Gaussian, and then generates a formatted checkpoint file (gaussian.Fchk
). GENESIS retrieves the QM energy, gradient, and so on, from the log file ($QMOUT
) and Fchk file.
(10) removes $GAUSS_SCRDIR
. One may add other post processes here, for example, extracting quantities written in the log files. Note that $QMINP
, gaussian.Fchk
are removed by GENESIS after reading the QM information if mod(NSTEP/qmsave_period) != 0
Appendix C. How to download and compile SINDO
The script files to download and compile SINDO are prepared in sindo
$ ls
0_qmmm_md/ 1_setup/ 2_minimize/ 3_harmonic/
4_qff/ 5_grid/ 6_vib/ sindo/ toppar/
$ cd sindo
$ ls
comp_sindo.sh download_sindo.sh
The script, download_sindo.sh
, downloads a zip file of the program, unzip it, and creats a file to set up variables (sindo-4.0/sindovars.sh
). You’re done if you just want to use JSindo. The following command should work,
$ . sindo-4.0/sindovars.sh $ java JSindo
If you want to perform the anharmonic calculation, you need to compile the program. Fortran compiler (either intel or gfortran) and blas/lapack libraries are required. Run comp_sindo.sh
$ ./comp_sindo.sh
/// Welcome to SINDO ///
Select the compiler [ gfortran/gfortranI8 ]
Default=gfortranI8 : (Just press Enter)
The compiler is automatically detected and you will be asked for the choice. If the default is OK, just press Enter. If you have Intel MKL, the link command is automatically set. In this case, you only need to press Enter again. If you need to (or want to) manually set the BLAS/LAPACK path, it will be like this,
Provide the path for BLAS and LAPACK libraries:
example) -L/usr/local/lib -llapack -lblas
-L /path/to/lapack-3.x.x -l lapack -l blas
In this example, lapack-3.x.x is a directory where liblapack.a and libblas.a are located. Then, the script will compile the program and setup everything. Try the following command,
$ . sindo-4.0/sindovars.sh
$ sindo
*** ( VERSION 4.0 0602 )
(press Ctrl-c to quit)
If you see the welcome message, you’re all set! If not, and you encounter any problem, consult the website of SINDO, where further information is available.
by Kiyoshi Yagi@RIKEN Theoretical molecular science laboratory
Jul., 6, 2022