
The followings are the example of the distance calculation. Basically, same manners can be used in the case of angle and dihedral angle calculation.

Calculate the distance between Calpha atom in Residue 1 and Calpha atom in Residue 58

To calculate the distance between two atoms, we specify disfile in [OUTPUT], and select atom pairs by the parameters distance in [OPTION]. You can specify multiple distance pairs by distance1, distance2, …. In this care, the output file contains results in multiple columns.

psffile       = ../BPTI_ionize.psf  # protein structure file
reffile       = ../BPTI_ionize.pdb  # PDB file
disfile       = output.dis          # distance file
trjfile1      = ../BPTI_run.dcd     # trajectory file
md_step1      = 500000              # number of MD steps
mdout_period1 = 500                 # MD output period
ana_period1   = 500                 # analysis period
repeat1       = 1
trj_format    = DCD                 # (PDB/DCD)
trj_type      = COOR+BOX            # (COOR/COOR+BOX)
trj_natom     = 0                   # (0:uses reference PDB atom count)

check_only    = NO                  # (YES/NO)
distance1     = BPTI:1:ARG:CA  BPTI:58:ALA:CA

If you do not like the above format in the atom selection, the following control file can be used, where the two atoms are selected by group1 and group2 in [SELECTION], and the center of mass distance is calculated by specifying com_distance in [OPTION] and comdisfile in [OUTPUT].

psffile       = ../BPTI_ionize.psf  # protein structure file
reffile       = ../BPTI_ionize.pdb  # PDB file

comdisfile    = output.comdis       # COM distance file

trjfile1      = ../BPTI_run.dcd     # trajectory file
md_step1      = 500000              # number of MD steps
mdout_period1 = 500                 # MD output period
ana_period1   = 500                 # analysis period
repeat1       = 1
trj_format    = DCD                 # (PDB/DCD)
trj_type      = COOR+BOX            # (COOR/COOR+BOX)
trj_natom     = 0                   # (0:uses reference PDB atom count)

group1        = an:CA and rno:1     # select single atom
group2        = an:CA and rno:58    # select single atom

check_only    = NO                  # (YES/NO)
com_distance1 = 1 2

Calculate the center of mass distance between Residues 1 and 58

psffile       = ../BPTI_ionize.psf  # protein structure file
reffile       = ../BPTI_ionize.pdb  # PDB file
comdisfile    = output.comdis       # COM distance file
trjfile1      = ../BPTI_run.dcd     # trajectory file
md_step1      = 500000              # number of MD steps
mdout_period1 = 500                 # MD output period
ana_period1   = 500                 # analysis period
repeat1       = 1
trj_format    = DCD                 # (PDB/DCD)
trj_type      = COOR+BOX            # (COOR/COOR+BOX)
trj_natom     = 0                   # (0:uses reference PDB atom count)

group1        = rno:1               # COM group 1
group2        = rno:58              # COM group 2

check_only    = NO                  # (YES/NO)
com_distance1 = 1 2