
“tilt_analysis” is a tool to compute the angle between the principal axis of a helix and the z-axis (the bilayer normal).

psffile        = RALP_DPPC.psf
reffile        = RALP_DPPC.pdb
txtfile        = tilt_output.txt   # output file name

trjfile1       = RALP_DPPC_run.dcd
md_step1       = 10
mdout_period1  = 1
ana_period1    = 1
trj_format     = DCD
trj_type       = COOR+BOX
trj_natom      = 0

group1 = segid:PROA & an:CA & resno:4-28
check_only     = NO
TM_helix_atom  = 1      # TM helix atoms to be analyzed