Sample control file

Temperature REMD simulation in the NVT and NPT ensembles

Basically, REMD simulation can be done by just adding the [REMD] section in the control file of the conventional MD simulation and modifying the [INPUT] and [OUTPUT] sections. Here, we show a sample control file for Temperature REMD simulation in the NVT ensemble. NPT, NPAT, and NPγT ensembles can be also employed by modifying the [ENSEMBLE] section. In those cases, the pressure and surface tension in each replica are specified by the keywords pressure and gamma in the [ENSEMBLE] section.

The user may first prepares input rstfiles (eq_rep1.rst, eq_rep2.rst, …, eq_rep8.rst) that were obtained from equilibration run at each temperature (300.00, 304.54, …, 332.99K). After executing the following control file, the user obtains run_rep1.logrun_rep1.dcd, run_rep1.rst, run_rep1.rem from Replica 1, and run_rep2.log, run_rep2.dcd, run_rep2.rst, run_rep2.rem from Replica 2. Note that replica index (NOT parameter index) is automatically inserted into the bracket “{}” of the input and output filename. In order to sort coordinates by temperature, remd_convert in the GENESIS analysis tool set is used.

topfile  = top_all36_prot.rtf       # topology file
parfile  = par_all36_prot.prm       # parameter file
strfile  = toppar_water_ions.str    # stream file
psffile  = ionized.psf              # protein structure file
pdbfile  = ionized.pdb              # input PDB file
rstfile  = eq_rep{}.rst             # restart file
logfile  = run_rep{}.log            # log file
dcdfile  = run_rep{}.dcd            # coordinates trajectory file
rstfile  = run_rep{}.rst            # restart file
remfile  = run_rep{}.rem            # parameter index file

dimension        = 1                # Number of dimension of REMD simulation
exchange_period  = 2500             # attempt exchange every 5 ps
type1            = TEMPERATURE      # Temperature exchange
nreplica1        = 8                # Number of replicas
parameters1      = 300.00 304.54 309.14 313.80 318.51 323.28 328.10 332.99
cyclic_params1   = NO 

forcefield       = CHARMM           # CHARMM force field
electrostatic    = PME              # Particle Mesh Ewald method
switchdist       = 10.0             # switch distance
cutoffdist       = 12.0             # cutoff distance
pairlistdist     = 13.5             # pair-list distance
vdw_force_switch = YES              # force switch option for van der Waals
pme_nspline      = 4                # order of B-spline in [PME]
pme_max_spacing  = 1.0              # max grid spacing 

integrator       = LEAP             # Leapfrog Verlet integrator
nsteps           = 50000            # number of MD steps
timestep         = 0.002            # timestep (ps)
eneout_period    =   100            # energy output period
crdout_period    =   100            # coordinates output period
rstout_period    = 50000            # restart output period
nbupdate_period  =    10            # nonbond update period

rigid_bond       = YES              # constraints all bonds involving hydrogen

ensemble         = NVT              # NVT ensemble
tpcontrol        = LANGEVIN         # thermostat
gamma_t          = 1.0              # thermostat friction coefficient (ps-1)

type             = PBC              # periodic boundary condition

Temperature REMD simulation in the NPT ensemble

dimension        = 1                # Number of dimension of REMD simulation
exchange_period  = 2500             # attempt exchange every 5 ps
type1            = TEMPERATURE      # Temperature exchange
nreplica1        = 8                # Number of replicas
parameters1      = 300.00 304.54 309.14 313.80 318.51 323.28 328.10 332.99
cyclic_params1   = NO 

ensemble         = NPT              # NPT ensemble
tpcontrol        = LANGEVIN         # thermostat and barostat
pressure         = 1.0              # pressure (atm)
gamma_t          = 1.0              # thermostat friction coefficient (ps-1)
gamma_p          = 0.1              # barostat friction coefficient (ps-1)

In the REMD simulation with these control files, replica exchange is attempted between the following temperature pairs at the interval of 2500 steps, where neighboring temperature pairs are switched alternatively. If “cyclic_params1 = YES” is used, 300.00K and 332.99K are defined as the neighboring temperatures (but there should be a very low exchange probability). Detailed information about parameter exchange is output in the log file.


In the control file, bracket can be also used in pdbfile in the [INPUT] section.

topfile  = top_all36_prot_lipid.rtf # topology file
parfile  = par_all36_prot_lipid.prm # parameter file
psffile  = ionized.psf              # protein structure file
pdbfile  = eq_rep{}.pdb             # input PDB file

 The user can specify the single coordinates file as an input. In this case, coordinates of all replicas are started from the same structure.

Case 1: Initial structure is given by pdbfile
topfile  = top_all36_prot_lipid.rtf # topology file
parfile  = par_all36_prot_lipid.prm # parameter file
psffile  = ionized.psf              # protein structure file
pdbfile  = eq.pdb                   # input PDB file
Case 2: Initial structure is given by rstfile
topfile  = top_all36_prot_lipid.rtf # topology file
parfile  = par_all36_prot_lipid.prm # parameter file
psffile  = ionized.psf              # protein structure file
pdbfile  = ionized.pdb              # input PDB file
rstfile  = eq.rst                   # restart file