1st AICS International Symposium

March 11-12, 2011


Organized and Sponsored by RIKEN AICS

Prof. Sandro Sorella

Academic details:
  1. November 2005-present: Full Professor in Condensed Matter physics, SISSA Trieste.

  2. November 1998-2005: Associate professor in Condensed Matter physics, SISSA Trieste.

  3. Juanuary 1990-June 1991: post doc at ETH-Zurich in the T.M. Rice group.

  4. November 1989: PhD in Condensed Matter Trieste SISSA Trieste

Scientific activity:

  1. The scientifical activity has been mainly devoted to the study of strongly correlated electron systems. Relevant results have been obtained for the so called ''Mott insulators'' where some important properties of the excitation spectrum have been clearly established. Moreover the scientific career has clearly benefit from numerous collaborations with the best theoretical and computational physicists (T. M. Rice, E. Tosatti, M. Parrinello e R. Car), with the active participation to the development of novel numerical techniques, and with a strong impact on the scientific community. The last numerical technique has allowed to clarify some aspects of the theoretical problems posed by the recent experiment on high critical temperature superconductors. Recently much attention has been devoted to the electronic simulation of realistic systems by means of Quantum Monte Carlo, and in particular to the study of several carbon based compounds of particular chemical and physical interest.

  2. The scientific activity is reported in about 100 papers in international peer reviewed journals, and several invited talks in important international conferences. These contributions had a considerable impact on the scientific community with more than 2000 citations (ISI March-2007).

Teaching activity:

  1. Coordinator of the Course on ''Quantum Simulations in strongly correlated electrons'' for the SISSA PhD students since

  2. November 1999. Lecture notes available on web.

Supervisor of several PhD students:

  1. QiFeng Zhong, Franjio Franjic, Federico Becca, Luca Capriotti, Matteo Calandra, Evgeny Plehanov, Massimo Lugas and Luca Tocchio. All of them passed the PhD examination in SISSA.