Institute for

Research Laboratories

More than 100 researchers will be put together to use the K computer or to study on computer and computational sciences.

The K computer

A 10 peta-flop super-computer consisting of more than  640,000 cores. The K computer will be operational in 2012. For more details, click here.

Compute Nodes

of the K computer

Rubber Isolator

Lead Dumper

Steal Dumper

The K computer Logo

The logo of the K computer is written by the Japanese most famous master of calligrapher, Souun Takeda. Since the kanji ‘京’ means 10-peta, and its pronunciation is the same with the ‘K’ of alphabet, this kanji was chosen to be the name of the supercomputer.

Chiller Facility

The outer wall of the chiller facility is specially designed so that the fan noise can be reduced.

The seismically isolated basement structure of AICS

The entire building of AICS is floating and isolated from its basement to reduce the seismic damage by absorbing the seismic energy with dumpers. The steal dumper aborbs small amplitude of seismic vibration, while the lead dumper abpsorbs larg amplitude.